Caroline Whiting
- Senior Lecturer: Primary English
- Email: c.whiting@bathspa.ac.uk
- School: School of Education
Personal statement
I started teaching in 1973 and have experience across the age range from three years to adult in London, West Berkshire and Devon. Although initially specialising in drama and art, music and english gradually become my main curriculum areas of focus. I have also taught psychology and sociology to A Level. I worked at London and Exeter Universities as a research and project officer in the 1990s but went back to teaching after my PhD and two post-doctoral projects.
My most recent teaching role was as a primary headteacher but before coming to Bath Spa in September 2014 as senior lecturer on the PGCE as part of the English team I was a primary adviser with Somerset County Council. This post included being the local authority co-ordinator for NQTs. I currently co-lead the English team and am part of the professional studies team. I also supervise student dissertations at post graduate level.
My main research interest is initial teacher education. My early research work was investigating the implications of the growing emphasis on placing more training in schools, and at Bath Spa I worked on the Diversity in Teacher Education (DiTE) research project.
More recently I have been exploring assessment without national curriculum levels, and with my co-lead, trainees' learning in English in the primary PGCE.
Academic qualifications
- BA Open University
- BA (Hons) Ealing College of Higher Education
- MA Roehampton
- PhD University of Plymouth.
Professional qualifications
- CertEd Avery Hill College of Education
Other roles
External examining:
- PGCE and BEd school experience - Plymouth University
- International distance learning PGCE, EYPGCE and assessment only - Sunderland University
Research and academic outputs
Promoting good progress in primary schools
Whiting, C and Richardson, P (2024) Promoting good progress in primary schools. Learning Matters, London. ISBN 9781529672442
Book chapters or sections
Book chapters or section
Whiting, C and Richardson, P (2023) 'English.' In: Majid, N, ed. Essential subject knowledge for primary teaching. Learning Matters, London, pp. 75-96. ISBN 978-1-5296-1193-9
Mapping ITT provision: unravelling the data
Book chapters or section
Whiting, C (2019) 'Mapping ITT provision: unravelling the data.' In: Sorensen, N, ed. Diversity in Teacher Education: perspectives on a school-led system. UCL IOE Press, London, pp. 29-59. ISBN 9781782772521
Diversity and complexity: becoming a teacher in England in 2015-16
Whiting, C, Whitty, G, Menter, I, Black, P, Hordern, J, Parfitt, A, Reynolds, K and Sorensen, N (2018) 'Diversity and complexity: becoming a teacher in England in 2015-16.' Review of Education, 6 (1). pp. 69-96. ISSN 2049-6613
Conference or workshop items
Educating the new generations: teachers and students
Conference or workshop item
Whiting, C (2023) Educating the new generations: teachers and students. In: 3rd International Conference on Education and Teaching (ICET), 17 - 18 May 2023, London, UK.
How does a PGCE English programme challenge students’ preconceptions of writing and how writing is taught in primary classrooms?
Conference or workshop item
Richardson, P and Whiting, C (2022) How does a PGCE English programme challenge students’ preconceptions of writing and how writing is taught in primary classrooms? In: The 57th UKLA International Conference, 1 - 3 July 2022, Birmingham, UK.
Assessment without levels – tracking progress in key stages 1-3
Conference or workshop item
Whiting, C and McKay, D (2021) Assessment without levels – tracking progress in key stages 1-3. In: BERA Annual Conference, 13 - 16 September 2021, London, UK [online].
The DiTE project explained
Conference or workshop item
Reynolds, K, Whiting, C and la Velle, L (2018) The DiTE project explained. In: TEPE Conference, 19 May 2018, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal.
Diversity in Teacher Education (DiTE project 1): challenges facing research in teacher education
Conference or workshop item
Whiting, C (2016) Diversity in Teacher Education (DiTE project 1): challenges facing research in teacher education. In: UCET Annual Conference, 8 - 9 November 2016, Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, Birmingham, UK.
Commissioned reports
Towards a new topography of ITT: a profile of Initial Teacher Training in England 2015-16. An Occasional Paper from the IFE No.1
Commissioned report
Whiting, C, Black, P, Hordern, J, Parfitt, A, Reynolds, K, Sorensen, N and Whitty, G (2016) Towards a new topography of ITT: a profile of Initial Teacher Training in England 2015-16. An Occasional Paper from the IFE No.1. Bath Spa University, Institute for Education, Bath. ISBN 9780992633899