Personal statement 

Professor Walker is Director of Innovation and Knowledge Exchange, overseeing the University's short course and Bootcamp provision, and its civic engagement activities. She has had a number of innovation-focused roles in academia and industry, most recently as Director of Innovation and Knowledge Exchange.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD in Creativity, Innovation and Organisational Culture, Manchester Business School
  • MSc in Organisational Psychology, Manchester Business School
  • BSc in Psychology, University of Surrey.

Professional memberships

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Member of the British Psychological Society.

Bath Spa employment 

  • 2016 - present.

Other external roles

  • Member of the Innovation Caucus (a joint ESRC-Innovate UK initiative).

Areas of expertise 

Creativity and innovation at work, including how this can be facilitated through:

  • Organisational culture
  • Recruitment
  • Training
  • Reward
  • Diversity
  • Measurement.

Research keywords

    Human Resource Management
    Organisational Psychology

Conference contributions

  • Lu, L., Opara, V., Pomorina, I. & Walker, A. (2021). What do business students value in the emerging virtualisation of learning and teaching that is accelerated by COVID-19? A pilot. In: 2021 Developments in Economics Education, 1-3 September 2021, online.
  • Walker, A. & Harris, A. (2020). Nudging Donations Online: A Choice Architecture Approach during COVID-19. In: Institute of Fundraising 2020 Autumn Conference, 24 November 2020, online.
  • Walker, A. (2017). Measuring Innovation: Developing an Approach for a Service Organisation. Proceedings of the International Society for Professional Innovation Management.
  • Walker, A., James, A. and Batey, M. (2013). A new front end innovation measure: design, construction and initial findings. Proceedings of R&D Management Association.
  • Walker, A. and Batey, M. (2012). Do Creative Employees Experience Reduced Perceived Organisational Support? Proceedings of the International Society for Professional Innovation Management.
  • Walker, A. and Batey, M. (2012). Introducing a new measure of Creative Style: First findings in Relation to Perceived Organisational Support, Performance, Job Satisfaction, Organisational Commitment and Turnover Intention. Proceedings of the European Academy of Management.

Industry reports

  • Walker, A. (2020). How is COVID-19 Impacting Healthcare Innovation? A Summary of Interviews with 26 Managers. Report for the Association of British HealthTech Industries.

Practitioner articles/press contributions

Research and academic outputs

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Book chapters or sections

The role of HRD in developing capabilities for creativity and innovation at work: a multilevel approach
Book chapters or section

Walker, A and Derbyshire, P (2020) 'The role of HRD in developing capabilities for creativity and innovation at work: a multilevel approach.' In: Loon, M, Stewart, J and Nachmias, S, eds. The future of HRD, volume I: innovation and technology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 115-141. ISBN 9783030524586

Taking a multilevel approach to creativity and innovation
Book chapters or section

Walker, A and Batey, M (2014) 'Taking a multilevel approach to creativity and innovation.' In: Reisman, F.K, ed. Creativity in business. KIE, London, pp. 112-128. ISBN 9781859242964

Psychometric tools in development - do they work and how?
Book chapters or section

Batey, M, Walker, A and Hughes, D (2012) 'Psychometric tools in development - do they work and how?' In: Passmore, J, ed. Psychometrics in coaching: using psychological and psychometric tools for development. Kogan Page, London, pp. 49-58. ISBN 9780749466640


The agential causes of business management students in the implementation of the full virtual teaching

Li, L, Liu, L, Walker, A, Wang, J, Pomorina, I and Opara, V (2024) 'The agential causes of business management students in the implementation of the full virtual teaching.' Journal of Modern Educational Research, 3 (1). ISSN 2790-3192

Enhancing organisational innovation capability – a practice-oriented insight for pharmaceutical companies

Walker, A, Rohrschneider, M, Booth, A, Carter, P, Walker, R and Andrews, G (2022) 'Enhancing organisational innovation capability – a practice-oriented insight for pharmaceutical companies.' Technovation, 115. e102461. ISSN 0166-4972

Conference or workshop items

What do business students value in the emerging virtualisation of learning and teaching that is accelerated by COVID-19? A pilot.
Conference or workshop item

Liu, L, Opara, V, Pomorina, I and Walker, A (2021) What do business students value in the emerging virtualisation of learning and teaching that is accelerated by COVID-19? A pilot. In: Developments in Economics Education Conference, 2 - 3 September 2021, online.