Personal statement

I am a social geographer, broadly interested in critical geographies of marginality and violence. Shortly after completing my PhD I moved to Mexico, where I was first based at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in Mexico City, and then at the Mexico-Guatemala border, working at El Colegio de la Frontera Sur in Tapachula where I stayed until returning to the UK in 2020.

My work has involved a range of research projects focusing first on violence-affected urban youth in Central America and Mexico, and more recently on issues around violence-based displacement in that region, particularly in relation to gender and sexual diversity. I am also interested in methodological innovation, and the dynamics and ethics of collaboration and co-creation in research.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD (Human Geography) Queen Mary, University of London. 2003

Areas of expertise

  • Urban Geography
  • Migration and Displacement
  • Global Development
  • Gender and Development

Research and academic outputs

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Contornos : historias de vida y trabajo entre Guatemala y México

Rojas Wiesner, M.L and Winton, A, eds. (2020) Contornos : historias de vida y trabajo entre Guatemala y México. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias de Información Geoespacial, A.C., Ciudad de México. ISBN 9786079831042

Book chapters or sections

‘I’ve got to go somewhere’: queer displacement in northern Central America and southern Mexico
Book chapters or section

Winton, A (2019) '‘I’ve got to go somewhere’: queer displacement in northern Central America and southern Mexico.' In: Güler, A, Shevtsova, M and Venturi, D, eds. LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees from a legal and political perspective. Springer, Cham, pp. 95-113. ISBN 9783319919041

Precarious mobility in Central America and southern Mexico: crises and the struggle to survive
Book chapters or section

Rojas Wiesner, M.L and Winton, A (2018) 'Precarious mobility in Central America and southern Mexico: crises and the struggle to survive.' In: Menjívar, C, Ruiz, M and Ness, I, eds. The Oxford handbook of migration crises. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 245-260. ISBN 9780190856908

Violence, borders, and boundaries: reframing young people's mobility
Book chapters or section

Winton, A (2016) 'Violence, borders, and boundaries: reframing young people's mobility.' In: Ni Laoire, C, White, A and Skelton, T, eds. Movement, mobilities, and journeys. Springer, Singapore, pp. 131-149. ISBN 9789812870285

Comunidad, estado y periurbanización: procesos e impactos sociales de la reubicación de asentamientos irregulares en la Delegación Tlalpan
Book chapters or section

Winton, A (2011) 'Comunidad, estado y periurbanización: procesos e impactos sociales de la reubicación de asentamientos irregulares en la Delegación Tlalpan.' In: Aguilar, A.G and Escamilla, I, eds. Periurbanización y sustentabilidad en grandes ciudades. UNAM / Miguel Angel Porrúa, Ciudad de México. ISBN 9786074014310


Queer mobilities and the work of messy survival

Winton, A (2022) 'Queer mobilities and the work of messy survival.' Ethnic and Racial Studies. ISSN 0141-9870

Towards a theory of the discordant border

Walker, M and Winton, A (2017) 'Towards a theory of the discordant border.' Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 38 (2). pp. 245-257. ISSN 0129-7619

Cuerpos disidentes en movimiento: miradas sobre movilidad transgénero desde la frontera sur de México

Winton, A (2017) 'Cuerpos disidentes en movimiento: miradas sobre movilidad transgénero desde la frontera sur de México.' El Cotidiano, 202. pp. 115-126. ISSN 0186-1840

Using photography as a creative, collaborative research tool

Winton, A (2016) 'Using photography as a creative, collaborative research tool.' The Qualitative Report, 21 (2). pp. 428-449. ISSN 1052-0147

Gangs in global perspective

Winton, A (2014) 'Gangs in global perspective.' Environment and Urbanization, 26 (2). pp. 401-416. ISSN 0956-2478

Analysing the geographies of the ‘transnational’ gangs of Central America: the changing spaces of violence

Winton, A (2012) 'Analysing the geographies of the ‘transnational’ gangs of Central America: the changing spaces of violence.' Investigaciones Geográficas, 79. pp. 136-149. ISSN 0188-4611

Grupos violentos en Centroamérica: la institucionalización de la violencia

Winton, A (2011) 'Grupos violentos en Centroamérica: la institucionalización de la violencia.' Desacatos, 37. pp. 111-124. ISSN 2448-5144

Commissioned reports

Desplazamiento por violencia en el Norte de Centroamérica: historias de supervivencia
Commissioned report

Winton, A (2018) Desplazamiento por violencia en el Norte de Centroamérica: historias de supervivencia. Informe 23, OBIMID, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid.