
Bath Spa University students contemporary collaboration launches new residency programme

Wednesday, 13 December, 2023

This week, final year BA Theatre, Festival and Event Production and BA Acting students will come together to put on a production of Pool (No Water) at Burdall’s Yard

Pool (No Water) tells the story of a unique reunion that takes a surprising twist. When an old friend-turned-famous-artist invites the gang to her new place, they couldn't predict the terrible accident that would occur. As they gather around her hospital bed, an unusual idea strikes them: turning her suffering into art.

When asked about the production, BA Acting student Holly Bradshaw commented: 

“I feel like collaborating with the BA Theatre, Festival and Event Production course has given me good insight as to what it’s like to be a part of a professional production, as this is my first time working closely alongside a production team, so it’s been good to learn about their roles and how they contribute to the process of putting on a show. 

“I went into this production having brief experience with physical theatre, so although it has felt challenging at times, I have had a lot of fun expanding my understanding of the theatre form as well as exploring new ways of using my body to express meaning.  

“I'm excited to perform at Burdall's Yard because it's unlike anywhere I've performed before. The space feels very intimate to me as an actor, especially since the show is being performed in the round/traverse. Being a part of this thrilling and immersive show is an amazing opportunity for me to gain new experience in a completely new space.”  

The students are collaborating on this piece with Kirstie Davis, a theatre director who works extensively on new writing, alongside contemporary classics and new adaptations. What characterises her work is a love for heightened realism, poetic, muscular language and a passion for multi-art form exploration. 

BA Acting student Sophia Hollely said: 

“Working with an external director and venue has been a remarkable experience. I feel honoured to collaborate with such talented, skilled people in the active industry and I have really enjoyed the transition from university training to industry-standard work.  

“Initially, I was nervous to perform in such an enigmatic physical theatre piece for my professional debut, but the strength, stamina and self-discipline I have acquired in this process has been invaluable. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with our director Kirstie Davis, as well as collaborating with other courses to bring Pool (No Water) to life. My journey has resulted in a performance I am very proud of, and I am super excited to showcase it this week.” 

Pool (No Water) also launches the Bath Spa Productions Residencies programme. Bath Spa University graduates and alumni are invited to come and work with the University to develop their professional career and professional practice on a project. This supports them in their chosen industry and allows them to gain more industry experience and CV credits.

Kerry Irvine, lead producer for Bath Spa Productions and Subject Leader for Acting and Production, said:  

“Bath Spa Productions are excited to be launching this new programme that gives our graduates and alumni opportunities to enhance their skills, build their contacts and develop their professional practice and career. We recognise the challenges our graduates and alumni face as creatives within the theatre industry landscape. 

Our recent production, Pool (No Water), has allowed us to offer graduates from MA Directing and BA Acting an opportunity to join our project and work alongside staff and professional director Kirstie Davis. Two graduates have been working with us these past four weeks as part of the Bath Spa Productions Residencies.”

Pool (No Water) will be at Burdall’s Yard Thursday 14 - Saturday 16 December. Book tickets via Bath Spa Live.