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NSS Results 2024 – Bath Spa University

Bath Spa University continues to exceed sector performance in National Student Survey 2024

Friday, 12 July, 2024

The results of the National Student Survey (NSS) 2024, commissioned by the Office for Students (OfS) have been published, with Bath Spa University (BSU) receiving scores higher than the sector average for the Assessment & Feedback, Academic Support, and Student Voice sections.

BSU has made clear gains against its performance in 2023 and against the sector average, especially in areas where there has been a particular focus on improvement this year.   

BSU has continued to perform particularly well across a wide range of themes of the survey, with five of the seven surveyed areas scoring over 80%, and for Academic Support, over 86% of student responses were positive.

Compared to the NSS results from 2023, the percentage of BSU respondents answering positively increased in six of the seven survey themes. In each of these six sections, BSU also improved its position versus the sector average. Biggest gains were seen in the Student Voice and Organisation & Management sections.

The following degree courses scored 90% or above for the majority of the 24 core questions of the survey: Dance, Creative Media, Creative Writing, Creative Music Technology, Theatre Festival and Event Production and Human Nutrition. In History & Archaeology and Performing Arts, BSU performed better than the sector average in all seven sections of the survey.

Data referenced relates to BSU Taught Provision only (Bath & London)

Professor Rebecca Schaaf, Pro Vice Chancellor Student Experience at Bath Spa University, said:

“We are really pleased to see the results of the NSS 2024, which illustrates the progress we continue to make to improve the student experience at BSU. This is testament to the hard work and dedication of our teams and the engagement and commitment of our students. We always strive to do better and will continue to make further improvements to the experience at BSU for all of our student community.”

The full NSS survey results are available here.

What is the National Student Survey? 

The NSS is an annual survey of almost half a million students final-year undergraduates studying for higher education qualifications at publicly funded higher education institutions (HEIs) and further education colleges (FECs) in England and Wales, and HEIs in Northern Ireland and Scotland. The survey consists of questions that relate to aspects of the student experience – teaching, learning opportunities, assessment and feedback, academic support, organisation and management, learning resources, learning community and student voice.

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