
BSU students granted exclusive access to regional entrepreneurial conference

Friday, 21 June, 2024

Bath Spa University was proud to partner with the highly anticipated entrepreneurial conference, EntreConf – a live conference for entrepreneurs and advisors.  

Returning this June at the Watershed, Bristol, the conference hosted a lineup of dynamic keynote speakers and inspiring panel sessions, offering unique insights and inspiration into the business industry. 

Spread over two days, the conference invited everyone from budding entrepreneurs to established business owners to come together and gain valuable insight from businesses in the South West region. 

An opportunity to create strong industry links, EntreConf is an unmissable chance for BSU students. As a founding partner, BSU was granted exclusive access to the conference with students given the option to apply for free tickets to the entire two day event, usually priced at £120+VAT. 

This access to invaluable industry experience has been made possible by MediaClash, a local company championing innovation and connection in the local region. This year, MediaClash is going one step further by offering 12 students the chance to attend a series of networking lunches hosted by the acclaimed local magazine, Bath Life.  

Tiffany Frye, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Manager said: 

"Bath Spa University’s partnership with EntreConf gives students and alumni a valuable opportunity to build their networks in the Southwest and beyond and to immerse themselves in the entrepreneurship community. We look forward to the contributions Bath Spa students and alumni will undoubtedly make to this fantastic conference."

Students benefited from connections with local professionals and had the rare opportunity to gather insight and build connections while using the platform to formulate and cultivate their own ideas. 

Through the partnership, BSU hopes to open new doors to its students and graduates, empowering them to expand their networks, garner mentorship, and pave the way for future success in their chosen fields. 

Professor Andy Salmon, Pro-Vice-Chancellor External at BSU chaired a keynote on NextGen Changers at the conference. He said: 

“My talk focussed on the changing attitudes of Gen Z and Alpha to work - what's wanted, what matters, and why and how the University might respond strategically to these needs.”

He continued: 

“EntreConf is focused on building enterprise and entrepreneurship in the region, and we are direct collaborators. Given that one in four of our students wants to start their own business, and our emphasis on building confidence, curiosity and creativity, we've targeted this relatively new venture as something to support. In doing so we've worked very closely with Careers and Employability and linked in with The Studio.”

Creatives from The Studio, BSU’s city centre home for innovation, research, and enterprise, also shared their stories working in regenerative fashion and explored how the University has supported them on their entrepreneurial journeys.  

Jessica Hannan, fashion consultant and founder of Apotheke Perfume, a sustainable, digital-first perfume brand, spoke about her experience at the Studio and BSU: 

“Having my perfume practice attached to such a respected institution has also opened doors with commercial clients. I am very excited to start work on a new venture with the University, directly inspired by the nurturing and visionary atmosphere of The Studio. When you run a small business, you rarely have the chance to innovate and think laterally, being in this environment nurtures that. I feel very lucky to be a resident.” 

Mathilde Salliou, fashion tech entrepreneur and founder of EWISE, a brand dedicated to sustainable and modest performance wear for women, discussed the support she’s received as a resident of The Studio: 

“Being surrounded by talented individuals has helped me focus on my business and complete projects I previously couldn't finish. In just six months, opportunities have multiplied beyond my expectations. I still can’t believe it – without The Studio, none of this would have been possible. It's like being part of a big creative family.”

You can find out more about The Studio on our dedicated webpage and EntreConf and its partners on the EntreConf website.

Interested in kickstarting your career in business? Benefit from access to a valuable network of industry links and opportunities on one of our business courses

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