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Dr Sarah Flavel appointed President of SACP – Bath Spa University

Dr Sarah Flavel appointed President of the Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy

Tuesday, 18 January, 2022

In an exciting development for Bath Spa University, one of our Readers in Asian and Comparative Philosophy, Dr Sarah Flavel has been appointed to serve as the new President of the SACP (Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy).

The SACP was established in 1967 as a non-profit organisation aimed at developing the disciplines of Asian and comparative philosophy in the international academic arena, and bringing together Asian and Western philosophers and other scholars for a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas. It is now the largest and most well-known professional organisation for scholars in the fields of Asian and world philosophy.

The SACP oversees a host of activities including scholarships and awards for early career researchers, partnerships with the largest global meetings of philosophers and Asian scholars (for example at the World Congress of Philosophy and the American Academy of Religion), international conferences, and affiliated journal and book series publications.

Speaking about her appointment, Sarah says:

This is really a great honour for me and I hope it will allow me to continue my work in promoting Bath Spa as a centre for excellence in both research and teaching in Asian and comparative philosophy in the UK. This fits very well with our strategic interests in the decolonisation of the curriculum at Bath Spa and helps us to show some of the areas in which we have sector leading provision in this regard!

Visit the SACP website to find out more about its work.

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