
BSU autumn dance events season opens

Thursday, 14 November, 2024

Opening the Autumn Dance season this November, Bath Spa Live is thrilled to present a week of dance performances from BSU Students and Alumni. Showcasing talent in a series of dance pieces, these performances blend light, sound and movement to tell unique stories with socially relevant messages.

Lucy Heard, Audience Experience and Development Officer, commented on these exciting events, describing:

“Bath Spa Live are so pleased that our upcoming performances feature, alumni, students and staff. Welcoming back familiar faces who are now working within professional companies is a great pleasure, it’s fantastic to watch their careers go from strength to strength as their companies tour the UK and beyond. We look forward to welcoming the public to these groundbreaking dance performances on and off campus”

Disco Doom – November 15 and 16

For the third year running, second year BSU Dance Students will be collaborating with external dance company, TrashDollys, to perform a two night movement and music event. This years piece is titled ‘Disco Doom’.

Set within PRYZM in Bristol, Disco Doom is a kaleidoscope of movement and music that pays homage to artists of the past while echoing the beats of disco that once ignited a global movement. 
"Disco Doom explores the utopia of the Disco era, showcasing its evolution from euphoric celebration to a catalyst for social change - one that is not without darker undertones that reveal the resistance and struggles often faced in the quest for authentic self-expression.

Collaborating with TrashDollys is a valuable opportunity for students, as they gain industry experience and create a performance outside of the university, that is open to the general public.

You can buy tickets to Disco Doom here.

Exquisite Noise – November 21

In our University Theatre, the Van Huynh company presents ‘Exquisite Noise’. Exquisite Noise honours the art of assembly. Choreographer Dam Van Huynh explores alternative methods of dissent, drawing on noise to embody defiance and celebrating the power of coming together. This piece features BSU Alumni, including movement artist Divija Melally.

Image of a dance performance with people leaning on one another

Sounds of protest against inequalities take centre stage, creating a unique sensory experience through music, lights and movement. This is a dance between disruption and communion, an invitation to wake up our collective spirit in an act of solidarity and care.                        

"A highly captivating, emotional and explicit work that challenges how we situate ourselves within(out) our society." - Dance Art Journal, In Realness, 2022

Exquisite Noise features strobe lights and haze effects. 
You can buy tickets to Exquisite Noise here.

Goat Song – November 22

Directed by former Drama and BA Acting lecturer, Mary Steadman, Dust Ensemble present Goat Song. Based on the Greek tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice, with Eurydice taking the centre stage...calling the tunes.

Mary Steadman summarises:

“As the director of Dust Ensemble in making Goat Song, it's been a joy to work with the five-strong ensemble through an emergent improvisatory process from which I extract material for the final performance. This takes a commitment to play and exploration, not second-guessing the outcome but entering the unknown. Once we have gathered a lot of material, it’s a case of distilling this to find the essence, which relates to the concept underlying the piece and the intent.

Goat Song is a highly visual surreal performance with a live soundtrack. It is one long song that tells the story of a soulless town and a tragedy. The tragedy kindles desire, love, and music, leading to a transformation into a different kind of reality that transcends the town and its limitations. It is a non-linear experience of love, death, and desire, asking what or whom we hold on to and when we let go…what occurs in the letting go.

It's a rollercoaster that invites you to come along for the ride and hold on tight - until the end!”

You can buy tickets to Goat Song here.