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Alumni Advice 2024 – Bath Spa University

BSU Welcome Week 2024: Alumni offer advice to new starters

Monday, 23 September, 2024

As Welcome Week 2024 arrives, we’re gearing up to say hello to over 2,000 new members of the BSU community, joining us from different parts of the country and beyond.

Making the move to university is a time filled with excitement and nerves in equal measure and we want to ensure that all our students feel ready to overcome any obstacles they may face.

One such way to look forward to the journey ahead is to hear from those who have already walked the path, with members of our BSU alumni community ready to offer their words of wisdom.

From those who have started businesses to others who have taken full advantage of all that BSU has to offer, our alumni are here to guide you in your first steps of university life.

Alice Haley – Human Nutrition Graduate

“As a Bath Spa graduate, my advice is to make the most of every opportunity, including resources such as the Writing and Learning Centre and Bath Spa Careers. Nobody starts university knowing everything, so embrace feedback and take full advantage of the support available for your development.'' 

Matthew Emeny – Acting Graduate

“I would say take every opportunity that comes your way. Join societies to find your people. Talk to strangers, as they become your best mates. Take on extra projects, get involved with events and go on trips if you can.

Most of all, seek out as much fun as you can, whilst working as hard as you can. Pack those days with as much as you can handle. These years will fly by but will set you up for success if you seek out all you can. For now, embrace every day and live it to the fullest. You won’t regret it.

Ellie Bowler – Film and TV Graduate

“Work hard but make sure you enjoy yourself too! Uni is such a unique time where you can meet so many different people and experience new things. Get to know your lecturers and surround yourself with likeminded people who want to do well. Embrace every opportunity and go after what you want (and try not to leave your assignments to the last minute, you’ll be way less stressed knowing it’s done)!

I was very anxious when I started uni but once I had settled in, I quite quickly felt at home at BSU. I know without the experience and encouragement from my lecturers and friends I wouldn’t be in the position I am today.”

Ned Nolan – Film and TV Graduate

“One of my biggest pieces of advice is societies, societies and societies! These are a great place to meet people who enjoy and share the same interests as you! You may have to leave your comfort zone to meet new people but it's definitely worthwhile.”

Alice Hodges – Creative Writing and English Literature Graduate

“Read as many sources from your modules’ reading lists as possible. Although they can look long and daunting, they’re a great way to deepen your learning on the topic you’re studying, build your assignment bibliographies and understand what it is your tutors are looking for.”

From all of the staff, students and alumni, welcome to BSU!


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