
Is it hair or hare? What predicts spelling skill using a New Interpretive Spelling Test for Primary School Children

Wednesday 8 December, 2021
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM


Part of the School of Education Research Seminar Series 2021-22.

About the seminar

This presentation from Dr Georgia Niolaki will consist of two parts.

First, Georgia will explain why we need to research spelling practices for primary age children. Then she will rationalise why the new interpretive spelling test she is currently developing with colleagues from UCL, NTU and BCU is needed for assessing spelling skill in primary education. In the second part, Georgia will present the results from three research papers on spelling predictors and processes based on work supported by the British Academy (2017-2019) and the British Psychological Society (BPS, 2019-2020).

About the speakers

Dr Georgia Niolaki is a Senior Lecturer in SpLD/Dyslexia and Inclusion, chair of the British Dyslexia Association and a charter member of the BPS. She is also a specialist dyslexia assessor and tutor. With Professor Jackie Masterson from UCL and Dr Aris Terzopoulos from BCU, they have developed a number of specialist dyslexia interventions for monolingual and bilingual children and adults (published in international journals, i.e., Cognitive Neuropsychology, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and others). Georgia with colleagues developed the first freely accessible monolingual and bilingual Greek- and English-speaking single word databases for primary age children.