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Being River – Bath Spa University

Being River

Wednesday 3 July, 2024 – Wednesday 3 July, 2024
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM

University Theatre, Newton Park campus, BA2 9BN

Dr Zhi Xu is a Senior Lecturer in Dance at Bath Spa University. His latest research project Being River will premiere at the University Theatre on 3rd July 2024.

Being River delves into the embodiment of identity and the entanglement between professionally trained dancing bodies and cutting-edge technologies, including virtual reality, motion capture, real-time interaction and sensors.

This innovative performance explores the concept of intercultural identity and transcultural experiences, metaphorically represented through the inherent qualities of a river—fluidity, continuous movement and adaptability.

By merging the artistry of dance with advanced technological interventions, Being River prompts audiences to reflect on the dynamic and ever-changing nature of identity.

Being River is funded by HEQR and QR Funding 2024, Bath Spa University.

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