Womens Network resource list – Bath Spa University

This themed list of resources has been specially created for Bath Spa University’s Women’s Network.

The Women’s Network was formed in 2017 to create an empowering, supportive, inspirational and motivational space, both professionally and socially, for women staff members at Bath Spa University. The Network is co-chaired by Melissa Mulhall, Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor Academic Planning, Steph Calley, Insights and Evaluation Analyst, and Teresa Ward, Student Ambassador Co-ordinator.

Resource list

Access the resource list and explore by topic:

  • Feminisms
  • Memoirs
  • Career development
  • Women in education
  • Work/life and wellbeing
  • Fiction
  • Bath Spa University Research
  • Playlist

Want to suggest a new resource for the list? Can't find a current title? Get in touch with us directly by email!

Katie Rickard and Helen Rayner, Women's Network

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