We hold a selection of databases which contain full text and abstracts of e-journals. A full list of all our databases can be found on the Databases page.
Key databases relevant for Religion and Philosophy are listed below:
Academic Search Premier this service offers the full text of over 4,700 journals in all academic subjects. In addition, the contents of another 12,000 journals are indexed, many including abstracts.
Box of Broadcasts - BoB: the British Universities Film & Video Council's on-demand TV and radio service for education. This service allows students and staff to view, record, create clips and share broadcast programmes from over 60 TV and radio channels.
Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) - Entries on over 50,000 people who shaped history, society and culture from the earliest times to those who died in 2000.
JSTOR provides the full text of some 900 journals via a number of collections
Gale OneFile:News - provides access to full-text newspapers and allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, newspaper section, or other fields.
Oxford Journals Archive this online archive provides access to the full text of 157 Oxford University Press journals to 1995.
SocINDEX with full text covers the literature of sociology from 1895 onwards, containing some 1,300,000 records. It offers the full text of over 300 journals and over 500 books and abstracts some 600 core journals in the field.
Times Digital Archive, 1785-1985 this archive provides access to the whole newspaper, including advertisements, obituaries, classified ads and photographs as well as the articles.
If you're looking for a particular journal title, use our Journals A-Z. Note that a single e-journal title may be held in several different e-journal collections (databases). Here is a selection of relevant journals for Religions, Philosophy and Ethics:
COPAC: Unified access to the catalogues of some of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland.
SCONUL Access: SCONUL is a scheme which allows many university library users to borrow or use books and journals at other libraries which belong to the scheme. It covers most of the university libraries in the UK and Ireland.