We hold a selection of databases which contain full text and abstracts of e-journals. A full list of all our databases can be found on the databases page.
In order to make searching for specific information on the web a little easier, we have put together some General Resources below:
Britannica.com: online version of the Encyclopedia Britannica with all Britannica's entries and selected articles from more than 70 periodicals which provide additional coverage. Also includes a guide to more than 125,000 websites
HighWire Press: journals that are full text and free to access after a certain period of time from six months to two years.
MASC25: mapping Access to Special Collections in the London region
National Statistics: the official UK statistics site, allows you to search the latest range of statistics as well as providing free access to a selection of recently released publications (including Regional Trends and Social Trends) in downloadable formats. Updated daily.
News on Screen: contains 160,000 records from 21 newsreels and cine-magazines from 1910-1979. Freely available to ac.uk addresses
If you're looking for a particular e-journal title, use our e-journals search engine. Note that a single e-journal title may be held in several different e-journal collections (databases).