We subscribe to a variety of journals – also known as periodicals, serials, or magazines. Journals are items that are regularly published; they often have an issue and volume number.
You can find journals we subscribe to using the Journals A-Z. This searches journals by title, and you can see which volumes and years we have access to.
The majority are e-journals which are accessible online, and a few are held in print format in the Library at Newton Park.
Where are the print journals kept?
(If you have reached here from a 'Check for Full Text' link in a library search result, then the article you've found is within one of our physical print journals.)
See details for each journals collection below.
Articles can also be requested via the 'Scan and Send' service.
Journals covering Art, Architecture, Ceramics, Fashion, Photography and Design are held in the Art and Design Journals Room on the ground floor of the Library at Newton Park, accessed via the main Book Hall.
Please follow the signs or ask a member of staff.
Journals covering all other subjects taught at Bath Spa, including Creative Writing, Education, Music, Psychology and Science are held in the Journals Room, accessed via the main Book Hall.
Please follow the signs or ask a member of staff.
Some of the older issues of journals are kept in the Library Store. These can be requested for use within the library.
Please speak to a member of staff at the Library Reception or contact us by email at
A few rare journal issues are held within our Art Special Collection. These can be requested for consultation in the library by arrangement.
Please speak to your Subject Librarian or ask a member of staff at the Library Reception.
Print journals are displayed and shelved in alphabetical order of the full title. For example:
- Health is under H
- Journal of Health Services Research is under J
- Sociology of Health and Illness is under S
How journals are cited
On reading lists and bibliographies, journal articles can be recognised by the elements listed. They'll have an author, the year of publication and a title (like books); then will come the journal title (often in italics), the volume number, issue number and page numbers of the article within the volume. For example:
- Bradbury, J. (2002) 'The third way: where next for New Labour?', Politics Review, 12(1), pp. 20-23
There may be variations of style but, essentially, this is how they'll appear.
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