How can I access books in the library?
Use the library search to find a book, DVD or other resource you're interested in.
Each item has a number listed under Shelfmark. Multiple copies of the same book all have the same number – the number is determined by subject matter and, usually, the surname of the author.
Make a note of the number and then make your way to the shelves ...
Web Design in a Nutshell (Title)
004.6 NIE (Shelfmark)
004.6 = Data processing and Computer Science: Interfacing and Communications (subject matter)
NIE = author Jennifer Niederst-Robbin
Most of the books are shelved in numerical order, from 000 to 999.
After numerical order, books are arranged in alphabetical order of author's surname. Each book has the number labelled on the spine.
Click and Collect
The Library offers a ‘Click and Collect’ service for all Bath Spa University students and staff. Books can be requested for collection at Newton Park Library, Locksbrook, Sion Hill and Corsham Court.
How does it work?
‘Request’ items in advance through the online Library catalogue (a maximum of five requests can be placed at one time).
Wait to receive an email notification to your Bath Spa University email address informing you that your items are ready to collect.
On arrival, Library staff will show you where your item(s) are being held. Bring your Bath Spa University ID card with you so you can borrow your items via the Library self-service kiosks.
Please check the opening times before planning your visit.
If your collection site is Corsham Court, the Corsham Court Receptionist will email you when the items are ready to collect and confirm collection arrangements: Tel: 01225 876390
Books may be recalled if someone reserves one of them so please check your University email for updates.
You will have 7 days to return your item if it is recalled.
If you have any questions about the 'Click and Collect' service, please get in touch.
Frequently asked questions
Yes, this is possible via the Click and Collect service.
Once you have been notified that your request is available, you will have seven days to pick it up.
Unfortunately, you cannot reserve eBooks.
All students and staff can borrow up to 25 items.
These can be any combination of items - books, audiovisual materials, DVDs, CDs etc.
There is a standard loan period of 1 year for all items, except those that are marked as reference only. Your items will be automatically renewed for you.
However, if an item you have on loan is recalled, i.e. if someone else requests it, you will need to return it by the new due date. This allows fair access to high demand items.
Please email or contact us on chat if you need to discuss returning your items.
Fines are only charged on items that have been recalled and not returned by the new due date. They are charged at 50p per day (not including weekends or closed days).
If fines are above £10.00 you will be not be able to borrow or renew items until you have paid.
Please let us know as soon as possible so that we can help.
If Library items aren’t returned or are lost/damaged, you will temporarily have library privileges withdrawn and replacement costs will be charged at the full current price of the item.
Invoices for lost or damaged books will normally be added to your library account, and can be viewed and paid online. If you find and return the Library items within 6 months of the invoice being paid, we will be happy to give you a refund.
Please contact if you need to discuss lost or damaged items.
Request a Purchase
New resources for teaching should now be requested through the University’s Resource List Management system.
Add items to your list and we will check its availability for purchase, and your Subject Librarian will be in touch to discuss any queries.
If you do not have a list for your module on the system yet, it's easy to set one up. Please see the self-guided training (login required), or speak to your Subject Librarian.
If you wish to request an item that is not required for a Resource List then please email your Subject Librarian directly.
Let us know what you need!
Access the form below to suggest a purchase for the library collections.
Request a Scan
If you need a digital scan from our print collections you can request a scan.
‘Scan and Send’ will enable you to access material from library print resources without the need to travel to campus. You can use this service for private study or non-commercial research.
Contact us