Scan and Send
You can request scanned extracts from our physical book and journal collections for your own private study and non-commercial research.
Scan and Send request formThis service is available for all Bath Spa University students and staff.
You can request a scan from any physical book or journal we hold in the library. However, if the book is currently on loan to another user your 'Scan and Send' request will take longer to process. Please check the availability of the item in the library catalogue before making a request.
If we do not hold a copy of the book, you can request a purchase.
Alternatively, if you cannot find the book you require on the library catalogue we recommend that you speak to your Subject Librarian to discuss alternative resources. Their contact details can be found on the Library webpage for your subject area.
Works can only be copied up to specified extent limits:
If you are looking to access a whole book, please search for an e-book version in the library catalogue.
Students and staff fill out the above form with the details of their 'Scan and Send' request. Library staff check the copyright restrictions and (where possible) produce a scan. The scan will then be sent to the University email address of the person who made the request, for individual use only.
If you don’t know how to identify the most useful book chapter you need from a book, try using Google Books which often provides a chapter preview.
You can make multiple requests from the same book or journal up to the permitted amount. For example, 2 chapters together constituting 5% of the overall book.
We aim to produce scans as quickly as possible, but we cannot guarantee a timeframe. There is an option on the form to let us know when you will no longer need the scan.
No, if you require a scanned extract for teaching, the copyright restrictions are different. Instead, please request these extracts via your modules' Talis resource lists using the 'Request digitisation' option. For further information and help with using Talis, see our Copyright FAQs or speak to your Subject Librarian.
Please see the University’s advice about copyright, legal requirements, the types of material covered by the CLA licence, and how to distribute scanned extracts through Ultra, in our Copyright FAQs.
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