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Access and Services

For students

Filming and photography in the library

We're often contacted by students who wish to film, take photographs or hold a performance in the Library.

We'll always try to accommodate you if it's possible. However, our purpose is to provide an environment conducive to study and it is our duty to ensure the safety of all Library users. It's therefore important that:

  • The photographs/films do not include pictures of other Library users without their written permission
  • The photography/filming/performance does not disturb other Library users
  • Access to books and other Library equipment is not unduly restricted
  • There is no large-scale moving of furniture or stock
  • The photography/filming/performance is done in a safe manner
  • Appropriate risk assessment for the activity is submitted in advance to the Library
  • The photography/filming/performance is done during Library opening hours only.

What do we need?

We require two completed forms: a Permission to undertake filming, photography or other activities form and a risk assessment. You'll need to email them to

We'll need to know:

  • Dates of filming/photography
  • The nature of the activities planned
  • Any risks involved
  • How you plan on mitigating these risks
  • The names of those undertaking the activities.

What next?

A member of Library staff will make a decision on whether to give permission and let you know by email.

You cannot proceed without permission.


It's easy to print from either Bath Spa computers or your own devices.

Full printing instructions and costs are on the MyServices printing page

Mobile printing can be done through my myPrint.

Printing credits can be purchased on The Hub.

International students (overseas campus-based)

Bath Spa registered students enrolled on some overseas teaching franchises are eligible to access Library e-resources where licences permit.

Please use these specific links:

Unfortunately due to licence restrictions, access to these resources is not available to staff members. 

For staff


How do I get a library card?

Your university ID card is also your library card. You'll need it whenever you want to borrow books.   

How many books can I borrow?

Academic staff can borrow up to 25 items. 

Who is my Subject Librarian?

Each course is supported by a dedicated Subject Librarian with subject knowledge in your area. They can provide teaching sessions on library resources for you and your students.

Can I order books for the University to purchase?

You can request books via your Talis Aspire resource list. Or, if you are not a module leader, you can email your Subject Librarian.

See the library page on SharePoint (login required) for more information on how the library can help you as a staff member.

Creating and sharing resource lists

The University's resource list management system, Talis Aspire, makes the sharing of library resources with your students both easy and consistent. The system is fully integrated with the University's VLE, Ultra, and the Library's digital collections, which, from a student's perspective, makes the process of accessing key resources much more straightforward.

Once you've logged into the system for the first time, you can bookmark Library resources and external webpages, add them to a list, and link this list into your Ultra module. If the Library doesn't already stock a resource, you can still bookmark it and the Library will then endeavour to supply a digital copy (depending on funds and availability).

You can also request digital extracts for your lists under the terms of the University's CLA Licence, using the “Request digitisation” option.

See our Resource List Toolkit for more help, including guidance on how to structure your lists in line with the University's Resource List Policy (login required).

If you need any further advice about using Talis Aspire, please contact your Subject Librarian.

Scanning and uploading digital extracts to Ultra

The University's CLA (Copyright Licensing Agency) Licence allows the Library to supply academic staff with digitised book chapters and journal articles. Academic staff can request a scanned extract from ANY book or journal, not only items physically held by the Library.

Digitisation requests should now be placed directly through the University’s resource list management system, Talis Aspire. First create a list, and then use the "Request Digitisation" option to place your request.

Under the University Copyright Policy, only 'designated persons' are authorised to scan copyrighted material; academic staff must not personally make scans and upload them into Ultra. See our copyright FAQs for further information about the licence, as well as our Digitisation FAQs for staff (login required), and contact us at if you have any questions. 

Staff from overseas partner institutions

Unfortuntely due to licence restrictions, access to our online resources is not available to staff members at our overseas partners.

Your students are eligible to access the following library e-resources (they will need to use these specific links to access):

For alumni

Online resources

As a Bath Spa University alumnus you can access the following online library resources for six months following your graduation using the link provided below:

  • Drama Online, offering full text editions of over 2,300 plays from the Greeks to the present.
  • JSTOR, which provides the full text of over 1,000 journals via a number of collections. 


Apply for alumni membership

Alumni are entitled to free access to the Library, as an external borrower, for the first year after graduation. Subsequent annual alumni membership is available for £10 per annum. With membership you can borrow up to five items at a time and use the study and enquiry services. Alternatively, if you would like to use the library for reference purposes only, you are welcome to register as a reference user free of charge.

To apply please complete the External Borrower Application Form, and choose 'Alumni' as the type of Library membership. 

Unfortunately due to licence restrictions, alumni may not use the networked computers. Access to our online resources is limited to those listed in the section above. 

For people with disabilities

Visit us to discuss your requirements

Wherever possible we aim to meet the individual library needs of users with disabilities. To achieve this, we invite you to contact us to discuss your requirements:-

David Rooney
Telephone: +44 (0)1225 876769


Physical access

Please take a look at the accessibility guide below:

Newton Park Library

Assistive technology

We have a screenreading software called Read & Write Gold on all computers in the Library and Learning Commons. 

Read & Write Gold, "provides users with dyslexia, literacy difficulties and ESL (English as a Second Language) with literacy support throughout their education, from primary through to tertiary level and into the workplace".

To get started, we recommend their help pages and video playlist.

In addition, the library provides a magnification tool in the main room which can be used to magnify the pages of print resources. Colour filters can also be used with this resource to improve access.

Borrowing books

If you have a support worker, they can borrow books on your behalf with a letter of authorisation from you. Your support worker will also need your Library card to borrow books.

Library staff will be happy to help you retrieve books from the shelves. If you think you might need long-term assistance, we can put you in touch with a member of Library staff who can be your named contact.

Academic Support Workers

You can borrow books on your student's behalf with a letter of authorisation from them. You will also need your student's Library card to borrow books.

Unfortunately, due to licence restrictions Academic Support Workers are not able to access online library resources.


For members of the public

Before you visit

Please check our Library catalogue, which is available for members of the public to search online, to check we have the books you require. Do also take a look at our Library Opening Times, as they can vary at different times of the year.

Apply for reference use

Members of the public may use the library for reference purposes.  Please fill out the External Borrower Application Form, and choose 'Member of the public' as the type of Library membership, followed by 'Reference only'. 

There is no fee for this form of membership.

Apply for borrowing facilities

If you would like to borrow library items, please complete the External Borrower Application Form to register as a member of the public. 

As an external member you can borrow up to five items at a time and use the enquiry service. Unfortunately due to licence restrictions, external members may not use the networked computers or access our electronic resources. This means that only our Library catalogue, and not the main library search, will work for you.

Cost of membership:

  • £55 for 6 months
  • £100 for 12 months

My book has been recalled, what does this mean?

Your copy has been recalled because it has been reserved by another user. If you do not return it within seven days, you will be asked to pay a fine.

I have received an invoice. If I return all the books, do I still have to pay it?

You won’t have to pay the book replacement fee if you return the books, but there will still be a £5.00 administration fee per invoice. Any fines will also still need to be paid.

I have just renewed my membership, but my books have not renewed. Why is this?

The loan period was set to end when your membership ended. You can renew your books online once you have extended your membership.

I borrowed a book yesterday and it has already been recalled, why is this?

Your book is in demand so we have reduced the loan period to allow others to use it. You will need to return it within seven days of the recall notice.

I have a fine, how do I pay it?

You can pay fines and charges online through “My Account” in the library catalogue (minimum payment 50p).

For visitors from (and to) other academic libraries


SCONUL Access is a scheme which allows University library users to borrow or use books and journals at other libraries that belong to the scheme.

Take a look at SCONUL’s web pages for further information and to apply for access.

Search across the collections of UK Universities using JISC's Library Hub Discover.

For Bath Spa University students and staff going elsewhere:

  • You will need to apply using your official Bath Spa University email address.
  • As long as you are in good standing with the Library (i.e. no outstanding debts) you will receive an email which can be presented at any of the participating libraries together with your University ID card.
  • If your application is rejected, you will be given the opportunity to resolve the issue before you apply again.
  • Remember to take your University ID card with you as proof of identity and eligibility.

For external students planning to visit Bath Spa University:


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