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Health and Social Care Management (London)

BSc (Hons)

Undergraduate degree - single honours

BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care Management
School of Sciences
Campus or location
Bath Spa University London
Course length
Three years full time.

Entry requirements

We accept a wide range of qualifications for entry to our undergraduate programmes. The main ones are listed under 'Typical offers' in the main column below. For combined courses, please check both subjects. If your qualification is not listed, please email with your specific details.

Our London-based Health and Social Care degree offers the skills needed for the delivery of services in the health and social care environment.

  • Boost your professional communication skills such as presenting and report writing, in readiness to take the next step in your career.
  • Explore diverse facets of the field, from leadership principles to person-centred care strategies.
  • Benefit from personalised guidance and hands-on learning experiences to thrive in this vital sector.

Health and social care in the UK is a fundamental aspect of the welfare system, providing essential services to individuals across their lifespan. It’s a system that’s currently adapting to the changes of our time, and we will help you navigate those changes so that you can be at the forefront of this essential field.  

Our course delves into the crucial role of health and social care within the UK. We emphasise collaboration among healthcare professionals and community organisations, along with strong leadership in patient-centred care, to ensure holistic support for individuals.  

Join us to gain knowledge and skills in leadership and management, preparing you for effective service delivery in the health and social care environment. 

We'll help you develop as a reflective practitioner and gain skills in effective communication, critical analysis and continuous learning, along with a clear understanding of the issues and changes taking place both nationally and locally within health and social care.

The knowledge, skills and attributes gained will enhance your ability to effectively engage in the responsibilities required to be an effective team player, team leader and manager and to be proactive in service evaluation, innovation and improvement. 

Suitably qualified applicants can now apply for the places in either Year 1 or Year 3 of this degree course.

Learn more about Bath Spa University London.

What you'll learn


Our Health and Social Care degree is designed to give you the opportunity to:

  • Foster an informed and critical attitude to policies and interventions used to improve the management of service development and client care within the health and social care sector.
  • Enhance knowledge of leadership and management skills and how these can be applied within a variety of sectors.
  • Be familiar with the methods used to collect and interpret data.
  • Help you become an informed, independent and reflective practitioner through the development and application of practical research skills.
  • Improve your ability to think logically, analyse problems and communicate effectively within the workplace.
  • Prepare for employment in a wide range of contexts either within or without the field of health and social care or for further study.
  • Enhance transferable skills that you can take forward into employment including problem-solving, decision-making, digital literacy and written, verbal and visual communication.
How will I be assessed?

You'll be assessed in a wide range of ways that test your Health and Social Care management skills and reflect the demands of your management role, once you have graduated. These could include presentations, case studies, practical reports, critical reflective blogs, workbooks, practical projects, essays, exams, development plans, and proposals.

How will I be taught?

We offer variety in the way we teach: sometimes we'll set you problems so you can find the answers for yourself, sometimes we'll lecture. Most modules use a mix of lectures and small group seminars, and there's a good blend of online activities using our Virtual Learning Environment.

We invite health and social care professionals in to talk about their experiences.

All of our teaching methods facilitate your development as a self-directed learner. Many of our lecturers have a background in the area of health and social care. You’ll be given personal support in your study – we're a friendly team of academics, committed to helping you achieve your goals.

Course modules

This course offers or includes the following modules. Please check the programme document for more information.

Year one (Level 4) modules
  • Principles and Practice in Health and Social Care
  • Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice
  • Safeguarding – Prevention and Early Intervention in Service Design
  • Collaborative Working in Health and Social Care Provision
  • Working in Partnership with Users of Health and Social Care Services
  • The Business Environment
Year two (Level 5) modules
  • Managing Human Resources in Health and Social
  • Financial Management in Health and Social Care
  • Organisational Management in Health and Social Care: Influences, Quality and Change
  • Social Science Research Methods
  • Work Experience in Health and Social Care Management
  • Health: Mind, Body, Society
  • Innovation Management
  • Operations and Project Management
Year three (Level 6) modules
  • Dissertation in Sociology
  • Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care - CPD and Professional Practice
  • Contemporary Issues and Debates in Health and Social Care
  • Health and Social Care Work Based Service Improvement
  • Enterprise: Creating Your Business
  • Organisational Strategy
  • Community Engagement
  • Academic Skills for Health and Social Care Management



You may already be skilled in your current career, perhaps working in health and social care or beauty and wellness, and now wish to progress to leadership in your specific field. Our students come from diverse fields including healthcare administration, social care, and public health.  

This course could be for you if you’re looking to level up your current skills so that you can progress to management, policy, research, teaching (following an initial teacher training course) or consulting, or you’re interested in making a career switch into the field of health and social care.

You could also start your own business, charity or community initiative, or become a supervisor or manager in a related field, such as health, mental health, social care, or recruitment for health and social care.

Facilities and resources


Our libraries offer a wide range of business materials that you can access online. You can also access a wealth of material available via electronic sources. These include Business Source Complete, Mintel, Newsbank and an increasing range of e-books.


2024 entry
Student Annual tuition fee
UK full time £9,250

Interested in applying?

What we look for in potential students

We’re looking for individuals who are enterprising and creative. You’ll need to have drive, motivation and the get-up-and-go to achieve in a challenging environment.

Typical offers

Depending on your qualifications and experience, you can apply for entry to relevant level of the course. 

We accept a wide range of qualifications for entry to our undergraduate programmes:

Year one

  • If you have studied A Levels, we would be looking for grades CDD in any subjects. Or;
  • Grades MMP from a BTEC Extended Diploma
  • Equivalent international qualifications are welcomed for consideration.
  • If your qualifications fall just short of these requirements, you can support your application with evidence of appropriate skills and knowledge acquired through a minimum of three years post-school professional work experience. Accompanying your application, you must write an essay of 500 words setting out the following:
    • A summary of your work experience.
    • A consideration on how that experience has advanced your skills and knowledge.
    • A summary of how that experience relates to the course of study applied for.

Year two

  • 120 Higher Education credits in relevant subjects
  • A Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) in a relevant subject area
  • A Higher National Certificate (HNC) or equivalent in a relevant subject area.

Year three

  • 240 Higher Education credits in relevant subjects
  • A Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) in a relevant subject area
  • A Higher National Diploma (HND) or equivalent in a relevant subject area
  • A Foundation Degree in a relevant subject area.

Course enquiries

For further information about the programme or entry requirements, please email us at

See our Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) page to learn more.

English language requirements

If English is not your first language, we will need to see evidence of your proficiency in the English language.

Generally, we are looking for a score equivalent to IELTS 6.0, with 5.5 in each of the four components of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. We accept a range of qualifications including:

  • TOEFL iBT with a minimum score of 72
  • Pearson PTE with a minimum score of 51
  • Duolingo with a minimum score of 95
  • Academic qualifications taught in English can also be accepted, such as GCSE English Language with a minimum grade C/4.
Other admissions requirements

In addition to the academic requirements, your personal statement should set out your keen interest in the subject and why you wish to pursue the course. Applicants should also describe why they have chosen Bath Spa University in London.

You may be asked to discuss your application further through an informal interview. 

Right to study in the UK

All students studying at Bath Spa University London are required to have the Right to Study in the UK. Assessment of your Right to Study in the UK, and therefore your eligibility to study at BSU London, will be undertaken as part of your application to study at the University.

How do I apply?

Please note that this course is currently closed to new applications. If you're interested in the next intake, please email  

Course leader: Nadia Maddy

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