Learn about Agile methodologies and how to implement Artificial Intelligence and machine learning principles in the workplace.

  • Learn from industry practitioners using the principles of Agile Project Management and AI in the workplace.
  • Explore the benefits, challenges and risks associated with an AI project.
  • Gain certifications within Agile Foundation and AI for your organisation with the British Computing Society.

Learn about two of the most topical and current approaches in modern business; Agile Project Management and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning for your organisation. By the end of this Skills Bootcamp in Agile Project Management and AI for Your Organisation, you’ll be able to speak with knowledge and confidence on both topics and bring them together to apply and perform in the business environment.

You’ll have the opportunity to complete the BCS Foundation Award - How AI can support your organisation and BCS Foundation Certificate in Agile from the British Computer Society (BCS). These exams will be in-person.

This course includes one exam sitting for each certification per learner.

This Skills Bootcamp in Agile Project Management and AI for Your Organisation is run in collaboration with Coherent Training and Forces Transition Group (FTG) for service leavers. Please visit FTG's website for details on how to apply.

Who is the British Computer Society?

The British Computer Society (BCS) is a global community made up of business leaders, educators, practitioners and policymakers, all committed to their mission. 

As a charity with a royal charter, their agenda is to lead the IT industry through its ethical challenges, to support the people who work in the industry, and to make IT good for society. BCS assess and recognise talent at every level through a diverse range of qualifications, professional registrations, content and skills frameworks.

What you'll learn

Course overview

Our Skills Bootcamp in Agile Project Management and AI for Your Organisation equips you with the academic knowledge and practical skills required for your chosen industry. You'll cover the BCS syllabus and be given a strong theoretical foundation to pass the in-person exams. Alongside this, you'll attend practical sessions with industry contextualization, culminating in a group project. 

You'll cover a variety of topics on the course including:  

  • Terminology, general principles, benefits and types of AI
  • The basic process of machine learning (ML)
  • Challenges and risks with an AI project
  • The future of AI for your organisation and humans in work
  • Why Agile?, The Agile manifesto and mindset
  • Agile teams and practices
  • Practical applications 

Your two exams will take place in-person on the following dates: 

  • Agile Project Management: 28 February, location tbc
  • AI for your organisation: 14 March, location tbc

The course will be hands-on and includes project work based on real scenarios that form part of the assessment process. You’ll also be given the opportunity to attend extra support sessions and have one-to-one reviews throughout the course to ensure you are on track to reach your goals and provide feedback on your experience.

It's important to note that you're expected to spend a number of hours outside of teaching on independent study to support your learning. You'll be supported by your lecturers during your independent study.

Empowering employability and your success

Our wellbeing, employability and careers programme focuses on an evidence-based approach, integrating a positive psychological and coaching approach with employability and career skills. Through conversations, connections and collaborations, these can facilitate positive changes and grow a supportive community.  

Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge, skills and experience needed to navigate the job market, portfolio careers and self-employment successfully and to thrive in your career.  

To facilitate the building of connection and community you'll be offered a one-to-one wellbeing and careers coaching session when you start your Skills Bootcamp. There'll be two further opportunities to have a one-to-one coaching session during and after your course.  

During your course you'll have access to: 

  • One to one wellbeing and careers coaching 
  • Workshop sessions and learning huddles 
  • Wellbeing, careers and creativity immersions 
  • Networking events with local employers, Skills Bootcamp alumni and fellow learners 
Assessments and how your progress will be reviewed

Throughout your Skills Bootcamp journey, your progress will be reviewed in multiple formats which could include verbal and written feedback, peer feedback, mock assessments, and collaborative work.

These assessments will happen at key points during the course. They are a tool for us to identify your strengths and weaknesses to help us give you the best opportunity to reach your goals during the Skills Bootcamp.

Exams for BCS Foundation Award - How AI can support your organisation and BCS Foundation Certificate in Agile are formal exams and will take place at the end of each module.

Our partners

Coherent Training

Coherent Training is a specialist in providing expert training, education, and coaching in Agile methodologies, Project, Programme, and Portfolio Management (P3M), as well as the Commercial and Logistics sectors. The team at Coherent Training is dedicated to delivering tailored training solutions and coaching services that enhance organizational efficiency and drive successful project outcomes.

A grey symbol of three interlocked triangles inside a grey circle. Below are the words coherent training ltd.

Ofsted and the Skills Bootcamps

The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) regulates the Skills Bootcamps. They inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. They also inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people.

This means that all Skills Bootcamp providers must meet Ofsted’s framework regulations, therefore, ensuring you have a good experience on your learning journey. However, at any point during the delivery of the Skills Bootcamp, the University might be inspected by Ofsted. While this won't impact your day-to-day participation on the course, Ofsted might request to speak to you to gain insights into your Skills Bootcamp experience.

Read our safeguarding policy.

Interested in applying?

What we look for

We’re looking for you to have an interest in project management or taking your existing management skills to the next level. While some previous knowledge is desirable, the most important factor is a positive mindset. 

This course is for businesses, IT professionals and managers interested in AI for their organisation, Machine Learning and Agile practices and methodologies, and individuals with an interest in AI in an organisation, especially those working in science, engineering, knowledge engineering, finance, or IT services.

Eligibility requirements

You must:

  • Be aged 19+ 
  • Be living or working in Swindon or Wiltshire 
  • Have the right to live and work in the UK 
  • Agree to provide mandatory personal data and supplementary information on your career outcomes for up to six months following completion of the Skills Bootcamp 
  • Not have completed a Skills Bootcamp funded by the Department for Education (DfE) in the last 12 months 
  • Have access to a computer and Excel
Required equipment

You will need access to a personal laptop, if it’s a work device you will need full admin rights and enough RAM and memory to support your studies and undertake your 2 exams. This device should be able to hold a steady internet connection and be able to load and work with tools such as Microsoft Teams, Ultra and QuestionMark. Your computer will also need a working microphone, speakers and web camera. This course cannot be undertaken on a mobile device.

Before you start your course it’s important to make sure that your computer is in working order and is properly equipped for your course. You need to be prepared for any situation that could arise for example contributing within class, if your microphone and camera don't work you will struggle to participate. This course cannot be undertaken without a working computer.


Our Skills Bootcamp in Agile Project Management and AI for Your Organisation is funded by the Department for Education (DfE), and therefore is free. We only accept applications from students who haven't completed a government funded Skills Bootcamp in the last 12 months. 

If you're being sent for training by your employer, your employer will need to pay up to 30% of the total fees depending on the size of the company. If this is the case, please contact us at shortcourses@bathspa.ac.uk for more details. 

Dates and times

This course takes place: 

  • 24 – 27 February, 9am – 4pm. These sessions will be virtual. 
  • 10 - 13 March, 9am – 4pm. These sessions will be virtual.  

Please note the following in person days:  

Agile Project Management exam: 28 February, 9am - 2pm (Location TBC) 

AI for your organisation exam: 14 March, 9am - 2pm (Location TBC) 

How to apply

This Skills Bootcamp in Agile Project Management and AI for Your Organisation is run in collaboration with Coherent Training and Forces Transition Group (FTG) for service leavers. Please visit FTG's website for details on how to apply.

What happens after completing a Skills Bootcamp?

Career support

After completing your Skills Bootcamp you’ll be supported by your Career Development Coach for six months. This includes help with interviews, updating your CV and/or putting together a business plan.

During and after your course you’ll be invited to a Skills Bootcamps students and alumni LinkedIn group in which you can network and celebrate your career success with your fellow learners.

Once you’ve finished your Skills Bootcamp, you’ll be sent a monthly newsletter with the latest job vacancies and networking events.

Skills Bootcamp outcomes

As our Skills Bootcamps are fully funded by the Department for Education, there is an expectation that you'll keep in touch with us to let us know about any career progression opportunities you receive after completing the Skills Bootcamp. You’ll be provided with a short declaration form to fill out once you've secured new work.

Contact us

If you have any queries please contact shortcourses@bathspa.ac.uk

Privacy Notice

Read the privacy notices about signing up for these Skills Bootcamps, including how and why your personal data will be collected, and what it will be used for.