The Careers and Employability team is here to help connect you with our motivated and enthusiastic students and graduates.

We’d love to work with you to help you employ future talent, collaborate with students and graduates, and grow awareness of your business’ career paths to our audience. We offer a variety of ways to engage our community to achieve this, from fully funding internships to hosting on-campus events. Contact us at to get involved.

You can:

Advertise vacancies

Our student-facing online jobs portal, MyCareer, is accessible by tens of thousands of students and graduates and is free for you to advertise an unlimited number of roles on.

We encourage adverts for all kinds of opportunities, although we ask that contracts and working hours don’t exceed 20 hours per week during term time to allow our students to maintain a strong focus on their studies.

Our categories include part-time jobs, placements and internships (which we can potentially help you to fund), graduate opportunities, self-employment opportunities such as freelance briefs, and charitable volunteering roles.

Host an internship

You can benefit from a cost-effective, flexible solution to solve a resource issue or undertake an additional project by offering an internship, which, depending on duration, we can even help fund the salary of. Get in touch with us at to find out more details. We run:

Short-term funded internships - We enjoy our position in Bath’s community and value supporting businesses within the region with partially-funded internships or work projects. We’ll typically cover about 90% of a salary if an exclusive part-time position is advertised with us and then recruited for. We take expressions of interest for these internships in rolling periods between October and June.

Medium-term funded graduate internships - Open to any organisation, we’ll fully-fund a 180-hour placement for our most recent graduates working 30 hours per week for six weeks, or 15 hours per week for twelve weeks. We ask that these placements are graduate-level and offer tasks that would be particularly developmental. We take expressions of interest for these internships in May and June for placements to take place at the start of September.

Long-term year in industry - Called a ‘Professional Placement Year’ (PPY) at Bath Spa, this takes place between June and September of the following year. An undergraduate may undertake multiple shorter placements, meaning that there’s flexibility in contract lengths. Every course we run has a PPY option, meaning that we always have demand for and from every industry. What talent could you recruit and benefit from?

Attend an event

We seek the best possible impact across the events that we design and deliver - events that are key to raising your business’ profile amongst the next generation. Get in touch with us at to get involved and join our schedule, which includes:

Employer in the Foyer - We welcome employers to the highest footfall locations at our campuses to set up an ad-hoc stall and presence.

Part-Time Jobs Fair - Usually taking place during our first semester's welcome week, we invite employers to join us to recruit for part-time and casual work as our students settle into life in Bath.

Careers Fairs - In October, we hold a classic fair where we welcome several businesses across all industries to network and present what early careers look like at organisation. Throughout the year, we arrange further sector-specific fairs that are typically targeted at specific areas of our curriculum.

Become a mentor

Our mentoring scheme, MentorMe, exists to connect students with industry professionals who can convert aspirations into practical steps towards transitioning into the world of work. As a mentor, you could give advice, show what work life entails, and offer a unique insight that our students may not have had before.

We'd be happy to welcome you to our scheme, and our dedicated Project Coordinator doesn’t ask that you have previous experience or qualifications as they’re always on-hand to offer training or helpful resources such as our scheme handbook.

MentorMe runs across the academic year, and we ask mentors to arrange up to six sessions that last for around one hour each to talk through a mentee’s ambitions and goals.

To sign up to MentorMe you can create a profile on MentorNet, our dedicated mentoring platform.

If you have any questions, please contact Careers' Project Coordinator at

Shape skills and development

We regularly create and update our suite of advisory resources. We're grateful to have employer input for our Industry Sector Guides, and particularly if we can have our student-lead film crew interview and shadow you to produce engaging media that our community can use in our curriculum or be watched at a students' leisure.

Please get in touch with us at if taking part in this project would interest you.

Support creative practice

Creative practice is central to Bath Spa University, with vibrant schools of both Art and Design based at our Locksbrook Campus. We work with key external studios within the region, creating opportunities for studios to benefit from our academia, research and networks, while providing our emerging graduate talent with vital space and supported opportunities to continue to develop their practice.

We currently work with the following workspace providers:

  • 44AD
  • Bath Artists' Studio
  • Bristol Textile Quarter (with Spike Print Studio)
  • Clay Shed
  • East Bristol Contemporary
  • Little Lost Robot
  • Spike Island

We'd welcome hearing from you if you can provide a similar studio residency experience. There's always much demand from a wide and diverse creative talent pool. For more information please contact