No-Detriment Policy for the 2020/21 academic year.

For the 2020/21 academic year we have updated our No-Detriment policy in line with how best we can support our student body to be successful in their studies during a continued period of uncertainty.

Undergraduate students

In March 2020 Bath Spa University implemented a No-Detriment policy to support our student body during a period of potential detriment to their studies as a direct result of the Coronavirus pandemic.

For the 2020/21 academic year, we had already put in place the following measures to ensure that your marks do not suffer and that you are assessed fairly in the very challenging circumstances you are working in. These included:

  • Reviewing every current module in advance of the 2020/21 academic year, to make sure the intended learning outcomes could be achieved in the context of the government restrictions in place.
  • Increasing the funds in our hardship fund, and creating a bespoke laptop fund to help students in financial difficulties.
  • Removing the need for supporting evidence for a exceptional circumstances claim. If you feel you need to defer your submission until the next assessment period then you can request to do so.
  • If you just need a little more time to complete your assessment, you can request an extension from your module tutor. There is no need for you to provide evidence to make this request. Please note that extensions can be requested for longer than a week, at the discretion of your module tutor.
  • Reviewing module results at each Assessment Board* to check cohort attainment against previous years. We will work with our external examiners to make any changes to marks if it seems that the current context has affected your cohort’s ability to achieve your potential on each module.
  • Any Semester/Trimester 1 assessments that cannot be completed for the Semester/Trimester 1 assessment board due to the current restrictions, will be postponed until the next board. Your module tutors will confirm which assessments this applies to, but it means you will have more time to complete your work.

*Assessment boards are the formal process by which students’ marks and awards are ratified and decisions about progression and award classifications are confirmed.

Changes to the number of credits included in your award classification

If you are currently studying at Level 5 (Year 2), in addition to the above measures, your final award classification will be calculated on your best 80 credits for each year (Level 5 and Level 6), instead of the best 100 credits from both levels. You will still be required to complete all 120 credits at each level of study. Overall degree classifications will still be determined from the level average set at 30% of Level 5 and 70% of Level 6.

If you are currently studying at Level 6 (Year 3), your award classification will be calculated on your best 80 credits at Level 6, instead of the best 100 credits. Your Level 5 classification will be calculated both using your Semester 1 Grade Average (if this was confirmed to you in 2019-20) and on your best 100 credits at Level 5. Whichever is your highest classification will be awarded. Overall degree classifications will still be determined from the level average set at 30% of Level 5 and 70% of Level 6.

N.B. A limited number of students will still be studying under the previous Modular Scheme Framework, where your degree classification will be determined using your top 100 credits from Level 5 and Level 6 and from the level average set at 40% of Level 5 and 60% of Level 6. Students in this situation will be contacted separately.

2020/2021 No-Detriment Policy FAQs for Undergraduates

How will my final classification be calculated?

If you are currently in Level 5 (Year 2) of your course, we will use the best 80 credits from Level 5 and next year the best 80 credits from Level 6 to calculate your award classification. We will continue to apply the level weightings of 30% for level 5 and 70% for level 6 to determine your award.

If you are in Level 6 (Year 3) of your course, we will use the best 80 credits from Level 6. In addition, we will also calculate your Level 5 average from the best 100 credits gained and the grade average (if achieved) from Semester One of your Level 5 studies. You will be given whichever is the higher classification. We will continue to apply the level weightings of 30% for level 5 and 70% for level 6 to determine your award.

I am in Level 6 but did not receive a Semester 1 Grade Average last year - what happens to my award classification?

We will calculate level 6 (Year 3) from the best 80 credits, but will use the best 100 credits from Level 5 (Year 2). We will continue to apply the level weightings of 30% for level 5 and 70% for level 6 to determine your award.

I am studying a course on a Major/Minor route, how does the No Detriment policy affect me?

For students studying two subjects as a Major/Minor then we will need to ensure that at least 20 credits from your minor subject are included in your award classification. This means that we will only be able to discount a maximum of 20 credits from your minor subject and the other 20 credits would then be discounted from your major subject.

I am studying at Level 0/F or Level 4 (Year 1) - why do I not get to drop my lowest 40 credits?

At Level 0/F or at Level 4, your grades do not count towards your overall award classification. You are required to pass all 120 credits at that level.

As my lowest 40 credits are being discounted, does this mean that I only need to pass 80 credits?

In order to achieve an honours degree, students must have studied and passed 360 credits (120 credits per academic year). Although we will calculate your award classification from your best 80 credits this year, you are still required to pass all 120 credits at each level (the minimum pass mark is 40% and you must pass all assessments within a module). Details of all modules passed will be shown on your transcript and students should still endeavour to achieve the best marks possible in all modules.

I am only studying my final level at Bath Spa University as a Direct Entrant to the University. How will the No-Detriment policy affect me?

If you have joined the University at Level 6 (Year 3) in 2020/21 to ‘top-up’ your degree, we will use the best 80 credits from Level 6 to calculate your award classification. All 120 credits at Level 6 must be successfully passed.

I am currently in Level 5 - now that my degree will be calculated from the best 80 credits from both Level 5 and Level 6, how will this affect the weighting?

The weighting will not be affected and we will continue to apply the level weightings of 30% for Level 5 and 70% for Level 6 to determine your award.

As a part-time student I have studied one level over two years - how will this be taken into account?

If you are a Level 5 (Year 2) student, when you come to obtain your award classification upon successful completion of your degree award, this will be calculated using your best 80 credits from both Level 5 and Level 6, regardless of how long you take to complete your final two years of study (and as long as the completion period is within your agreed registration period at the University).

If you are a Level 6 (Year 3) student, when you come to obtain your award classification, this will be calculated using your best 80 credits from Level 6 and the best 100 credits gained from Level 5. We will calculate Level 5 using both the grade average, if this was achieved, from Semester One of your Level 5 studies and your normal level average. You will be given whichever is the higher classification.

We will continue to apply the level weightings of 30% for Level 5 and 70% for Level 6 to determine your award.

I’m an exam only student - what does this mean for me?

If your status in the 2020/21 academic year is as an ‘Exam Only’ student and you are therefore only required to submit outstanding assessments this year, then we would calculate your award classification using the No-Detriment Policy from 2019/20.

What if I choose to intercalate (take a break) from my studies now?

If you are intercalating from Level 5 (Year 2) of your course in 2020/21, then your award classification will still be calculated from your best 80 credits at both Level 5 and Level 6, at the point you complete your studies.

If you are intercalating from Level 6 (Year 3) of your course in 2020/21, then your award classification will be calculated from the best 80 credits from Level 6. In addition, we will also calculate your Level 5 average from the best 100 credits gained and the grade average (if achieved) from Semester One of your Level 5 studies. You will be given whichever is the higher classification. We will continue to apply the level weightings of 30% for Level 5 and 70% for Level 6 to determine your award.

What if I have mitigating circumstances that aren't related to Covid-19?

You can still apply for mitigating circumstances in the same way and regardless of your reasons for applying you can still take advantage of not having to supply evidence with your claim. Please note that the University operates a “Fit to sit/submit” policy - when you submit an assessment or sit an examination or test, you are declaring that you are fit to do so. You can not then claim at a later date that your performance in an assessment or examination was affected by exceptional circumstances. Students can either submit work or put in a claim for Exceptional Circumstances, they cannot do both.

For further information regarding Exceptional Circumstances, please visit our Exceptional Circumstances page.

I studied on an Erasmus placement - how does the No Detriment Policy apply to me?

We can only use grades from modules you have studied and passed at Bath Spa University. We will use the credits that you have achieved on your placement abroad towards completion of that level.

Taught Postgraduate students

For the 2020/21 academic year, we have put in place the following measures to ensure that that your marks do not suffer and that you feel you are marked fairly in the very challenging circumstances you are working in. These include:

  • Reviewing every module during the summer of 2020 to make sure the intended learning outcomes could be achieved in the context of the government restrictions in place.
  • Increasing the funds in our hardship fund, and creating a bespoke laptop fund to help students in financial difficulties.
  • Removing the need for supporting evidence for a exceptional circumstances claim. If you feel you need to defer your submission until the next assessment period at the end of trimester 2, then you can request to do so.
  • If you just need a little more time to complete your assessment, you can request an extension from your module tutor. There is no need for you to provide evidence to make this request. Please note that extensions can be requested for longer than a week, at the discretion of your module tutor.
  • We will review module results at each assessment board to check cohort attainment against previous years. We will work with our external examiners to make any changes to marks if it seems that the current context has affected your cohort’s ability to achieve your potential on each module.
  • Any Trimester 1 assessments that cannot be completed for the Trimester 1 assessment board due to the current restrictions, will be postponed until the next board. Your module tutors will confirm which assessments this applies to, but it means you will have more time to complete your work.

Changes to the number of credits included in your award classification

If you are currently studying on a Masters’ course (level 7) in addition to the above measures, your award classification will be calculated on your best 150 credits for your award. You will still be required to complete all 180 credits. Please note that your final 60-credit Dissertation or Masters Project module will not be excluded from your award classification under this No Detriment Policy.

2020/2021 No-Detriment Policy FAQs for Postgraduates

I am studying part-time in 2020-21 - how will this new No-Detriment Policy affect me?

Due to the complexities of part time study at Master's level, please email contact the Student Information Desk via MyServices with specific enquiries and we will respond to you individually.

I am currently studying for a Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma - how does the policy affect me?

The policy relates to you in all but being able to drop your lowest 30 credits. If you have specific enquiries about this please contact the Student Information Desk via MyServices.

I’m an exam only student - what does this mean for me?

If your status in the 2020/21 academic year is as an ‘Exam Only’ student and you are therefore only required to submit outstanding assessments this year, then we would calculate your award classification using the no-detriment policy from 2019/20.

I have APL credits from a previous degree - what does the No Detriment Policy mean to me?

The minimum number of Bath Spa University credits successfully achieved in order to be eligible for consideration under the 2020-21 No Detriment Policy is 150 credits. If any student has over 30 credits APEL, they are not eligible to be considered under the 2020-21 No Detriment Policy.

What if I have exceptional circumstances that aren't related to Covid-19?

You can still apply for mitigating circumstances in the same way and regardless of your reasons for applying you can still take advantage of not having to supply evidence with your claim. Please note that the University operates a “Fit to sit/submit” policy - when you submit an assessment or sit an examination or test, you are declaring that you are fit to do so. You can not then claim at a later date that your performance in an assessment or examination was affected by mitigating circumstances. Students can either submit work or put in a claim for Mitigating Circumstances, they cannot do both.

For further information regarding Exceptional Circumstances, please visit our Exceptonal Circumstances page.

What if I choose to intercalate (take a break) from my studies now?

If you are intercalating from your course in 2020/21, then your award classification will still be calculated from your best 150 credits at the point you complete your studies.

Postgraduate research students

We understand that these are difficult and unprecedented times for all. With the intent of mitigating the impact on your progression, where it is possible to do so, please see a list of measures below. This includes existing actions taken since the beginning of lockdown in March 2020, as well as newer developments.

Please note that as at postgraduate research level each situation is unique, we are happy to discuss individual adjustments to fit your situation.

To discuss your situation, or if you have any questions regarding the information below, please do not hesitate to contact us on

Online viva examinations

All viva examinations are now held online, and all thesis submissions are now primarily digital. Where necessary (such as with certain creative practice projects) adjustments are being made where possible to hold viva examinations in person, but socially distanced. This latter point is limited by national lockdown restrictions currently. Discussion on suitable formats for individual vivas will be held on submission of an 'Intent to Submit' form and in partnership with students and their supervisory teams.

COVID-19 Funding Extensions

A limited amount of funding has been awarded by UKRI to help mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on funded students at Bath Spa University. All applications should be submitted to by 24 February 2021.

This funding aims to support students in their final year of study (with a funding end date either on or before 30 September 2021), and/or those with caring responsibilities. Students who have already been granted a COVID-19 related funding extension in 2020 are not eligible to apply.

'Automatic' submission date extensions/deferrals

Mirroring the policy at undergraduate and postgraduate taught levels, automatic mitigating circumstances are being offered to postgraduate research students. If you need to delay your:

  • Research plan submission
  • Progression assessment
  • Viva date
  • Post-viva resubmission

Please contact in the first instance to discuss your situation. The presentation of evidence will not be required.

Your wellbeing

In addition to the above, we would like to emphasise the importance of wellbeing during these times. We would like to encourage all postgraduate research students to access the free suite of resources available via The Wellbeing Thesis.

Please also do not hesitate to discuss your situation with your supervisory team, who may be able to signpost further assistance being offered by university departments, including Student Wellbeing Services.