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The University publishes an Annual Policy Bulletin to staff and students, confirming which policies and regulations have been introduced, amended, or removed. Please find the latest version of this below:
General policies
The purpose of this Policy is to establish a consistent approach to the development of University policies and procedures to ensure that members of the University community and other users have ready access to well-developed and clear policies.
Bath Spa University Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking for the year ended 31 July 2024
Bath Spa University is proud of its vision to be a leading university in creativity, culture and enterprise and, through the delivery of Strategy 2030, the University’s purpose is to: “challenge our students and staff to realise their talent and thrive, for their own benefit and for the wider good. By doing this we will think and make the world better”. Underpinning this vision is a principle to act ethically; the University is therefore committed to establishing practices to combat slavery and human trafficking.
The University is a Fairtrade University. Increasing the range of products bearing the Fairtrade Mark that are sold by the University ensures that the relevant parts of its supply chain are more likely to meet Fairtrade standards that protect workers' rights and guarantee payment of a minimum price.
Our structure
Bath Spa University is a higher education corporation established pursuant to the Education Reform Act 1988. It is also an exempt charity, registered with and regulated by the Office for Students. The University's principal place of business is at Newton Park, Newton St Loe, Bath, BA2 9BN, United Kingdom. The University has approximately 1,200 employees.
The annual turnover of the consolidated accounts of the University in 23/24 was over £200m.
The University comprises seven academic schools: Bath Business School; Bath School of Art, Film and Media; Bath School of Design; School of Education; School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities; Bath School of Music and Performing Arts; School of Sciences. In addition, the University operates the delivery of academic programmes at Bath Spa University London.
Several professional services departments exist to provide services to the students and the University as a whole. These include Academic Planning, Student Experience, Centre for Innovation and Knowledge Exchange, Research and Enterprise, Human Resources, Finance, IT Services, Estates and Services, and Governance, Legal and Compliance.
Within the Finance department, the procurement function supports academic schools and departments in helping to ensure the University obtains value for money in all the goods and services it purchases, in-line with the University's Financial Regulations and The Public Contract Regulations.
Our policies
We have a zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking. The University maintains policies relating to procurement, sustainability, equality, wellbeing and diversity which together form a robust institutional effort to combat slavery and human trafficking. Where relevant, our policies extend to our suppliers in expectations of adherence to external regulations and University principles.
The University’s procurement policies are concerned with adherence to the conditions outlined elsewhere in this statement and in ensuring due diligence and include a sustainable procurement policy.
The University is committed to conducting its business with honesty and integrity, and it expects all staff to maintain high standards. Staff are encouraged to raise concerns of a public interest or make a public interest disclosure as part of the Whistleblowing Policy which is designed to allow concerns of a public interest arising in relation to the University to be raised, investigated and where appropriate, acted upon.
Our supply chains
To ensure all those in our supply chain and contractors comply with our policies, we have in place a supply chain compliance programme. Suppliers are assessed during the procurement process, and above procurement regulation thresholds the government standard assessments are carried out during selection, as well as due diligence steps during contract award and supplier onboarding. Wherever possible our supply chain is made up of suppliers who are registered under framework agreements from public sector purchasing consortia to ensure robust checks are undertaken and compliant with legislation.
Due diligence processes for slavery and human trafficking
Supply chain management from the consortia is routine throughout the contractual term and staff are required to manage contracts throughout the term to ensure value for money. On the occasions where a framework agreement cannot be used the University carries out due diligence on all new suppliers prior to onboarding, as standard, this includes a question pertaining to modern slavery compliance. Further engagement with suppliers, including with the University’s educational partners, is subject to review dependent on this confirmation step and the University’s standard contractual clauses explicitly require adherence by all suppliers to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
The University works to identify and assess potential risk areas within its supply chains, monitor and mitigate any identified risk and to protect whistle-blowers raising concerns. The University takes a risk- based approach to better understand its supply chains and to prioritise and target actions accordingly.
Supplier adherence to Bath Spa University values and ethics
To ensure all those in the University and its supply chain and its contractors comply with our policies and procedures the University has put in place a supply chain compliance programme. This consists of procurement procedures, contract reviews and renewal of due diligence at the point of any renewal.
The University is committed to sustainable procurement and plans to work within the framework of ISO 20400, with full implementation in 2028.
To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in University business and its supply chains, the University offers procurement training to all relevant staff.
The process all University staff must follow, in the engagement of a new supplier and inclusion of querying the suppliers' efforts and steps taken to ensure compliance with the Act, acts as an engagement tool to ensure that staff access the resources made available in the provision of compliance.
The publication of this statement and the University's approach to ensuring compliance with the Act is shared with staff via news and updates in line with the publication of the University’s annual report and financial statements.
Further steps
Going forward, the University’s Sustainability Group will renew its efforts to work closely with colleagues across the University including Procurement, Finance, IT, HR, Academic Planning, the Centre for Educational Partnerships, and Estates functions to monitor higher risk areas within the University’s supply chain.
During the 2024-25 financial year, we aim to continue our focus on the following areas:
- Work towards obtaining ISO20400 sustainable procurement certification with full implementation in 2028. The certification process includes supply chain due diligence and contract conditions to be further enhanced.
- Moving to a ‘Responsible Procurement’ approach that will consider the impact of the Goods and Services we choose, reduce the risks from suppliers, and enhance the monitoring and reporting of its supplier’s sustainability actions, including Modern Slavery.
- Working closely with our key suppliers, purchasing consortia, HEPA and SUPC Responsible Procurement Groups, and organisations such as Electronics Watch.
- To develop a specific Modern Slavery Policy and further develop the University’s approach to training staff on the subject, prioritising the procurement department.
- Improvement of our supply chain commodity coding and reporting to ensure a risk-based approach, as well as engagement with our supply base and partners including their approach to subcontracting.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the University's slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 July 2024. It was approved by the Board of Governors of Bath Spa University on 12 December 2024.
Download a copy of this statement.
Previous statements
We value diversity and we recognise that different people bring different ideas, knowledge and culture, and that difference can bring strength, creativity and innovation.
We believe that discrimination or exclusion based on individual characteristics and circumstances, such as the below, represents a waste of talent and a denial of opportunity for self-fulfilment:
- age
- disability
- caring or dependency responsibilities
- gender or gender identity
- marriage and civil partnership status
- political opinion
- pregnancy and maternity
- race
- colour
- caste
- nationality
- ethnic or national origin
- religion or belief
- sexual orientation
- socio-economic background
- trade union membership status or other distinctions.
We recognise that patterns of under-representation and differences in outcomes at Bath Spa University can be challenged through positive action programmes.
We respect the rights of individuals, including the right to hold different views and beliefs. We will not allow these differences to be manifested in a way that is hostile or degrading to others.
We expect commitment and involvement from all our staff, students, partners and providers of goods and services in working towards the achievement of our vision.
The Vice-Chancellor has responsibility and accountability for Equality throughout the institution and is also responsible implementing and monitoring this policy through the Equality and Diversity Steering Group. However, all members of the University, both staff and students, have a duty to ensure that individuals do not suffer from any form of harassment and that if they do, they are supported in seeking to eliminate it and in pursuing any legitimate complaint about the harassment.
We are committed to being a menopause-friendly university. Our menopause policy aims to foster an environment in which staff and students can openly speak about the menopause and ask for any support and reasonable adjustments that they may need.
As part of the UK Government's strategy to reduce terrorism, the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 introduced a statutory duty on Higher Education Institutions to have "due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism". This legislation is called the Prevent Duty and applies to all forms of extremism, including the Far Right, Islamist groups and animal rights groups. Prevent is one of the Government's four strands of counter-terrorism strategy (CONTEST) and aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
Safeguarding is about protecting a person’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It’s about working together to protect those most at risk of, or currently experiencing, abuse or neglect.
The Safeguarding Framework details how staff and students can report concerns, suspicions or allegations of harm.
The University is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all its students and staff. The following policies set out how the University will deal with incidents and allegations of Sexual Violence and Misconduct against members of the student and staff communities.
Trans, non-binary, and gender diverse staff, students and visitors are a valued part of the Bath Spa University community, and we are committed to creating a fair and inclusive environment where all members feel included, respected and safe. Bath Spa University views harassment or discrimination against any student or employee on any grounds as a serious disciplinary offence.
Policy themes
- Admissions Policy (.pdf)
- Accreditation of Prior Learning (.pdf)
- Approved fee information for new entrants in the academic year 2024-2025 (.pdf)
- Approved fee information for new entrants in the academic year 2023-2024 (.pdf)
- Approved fee information for new entrants in the academic year 2022-2023 (.pdf)
- Approved fee information for new entrants in the academic year 2021-2022 (.pdf)
- Declaring a Criminal Conviction (.pdf)
- Complaints and appeals procedure for applicants (.pdf)
Access and Participation
- BSU Access and Participation Plan (2025/26 to 2028/29)
- Summary of Access and Participation Plan 2025/26 to 2028/29
- Revised Access and Participation Plan 2020-21 to 2024-25 (Approved November 2022) (.pdf)
- Summary of 2020-21 to 2024-25 Access and Participation Plan (.pdf)
- Access and Participation Plan (2020-21 to 2024-25) (.pdf)
- Access and Participation Plan (2019-20) (.pdf)
- Access and Participation Plan Impact Report (2019-2020) (.pdf)
- Access Agreement Archive (Office for Students website)
Academic Frameworks
- Foundation Year Framework (.pdf)
- Undergraduate Academic Framework (.pdf)
- Guide to Students on the Undergraduate Framework (.pdf)
- Taught Postgraduate Framework (.pdf) (this framework is for new enrolments from September 2021)
- Taught Postgraduate Framework (.pdf) (this framework is for enrolments prior to September 2021)
- Initial Teacher Training Academic Framework (.pdf) (this framework comes into effect for new enrolments from July 2019)
- Apprenticeship Framework (.pdf)
- Integrated Masters Academic Regulations (.pdf)
- Co-curricular Credit Framework (.pdf)
- Continuing Professional Development Framework (.pdf)
- Qualifications Credit Framework (.pdf)
- List of Current Awards (.pdf)
- No-Detriment Policy for the 2019/20 Semester 2, Trimester 2 and 3 Assessment Period
Academic regulations
- Academic Regulations (.pdf)
- Student General Regulations (.pdf)
- Dignity at work
- Student guidelines on email usage (.pdf)
- Fitness to Train to Teach Policy (.pdf)
- Transfers Policy (.pdf)
- Honorary awards and title (.pdf)
- Student withdrawal policy
- Study break policy
Learning and teaching
- Education Strategy (.pdf)
- Learning and Teaching Delivery Statement
- Degree Outcomes Statement (.pdf)
- Audio and video recording for educational activities (.pdf)
- Content Warning Policy (.pdf)
- Placement and Work-based Learning Policy (.pdf)
- Programme Review Statement(.pdf)
- Resource List Policy (.pdf)
- Fitness to Study Procedure (.pdf)
- Fitness to Train to Teach Policy (.pdf)
- Module Evaluation Policy
Engagement and attendance
- Engagement and Attendance Policy (.pdf)
- Learning Analytics Policy (.pdf)
- Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (.pdf)
- Support to Study Procedure (.pdf)
- Academic Appeals Policy for submissions from 30 September 2024 onwards
- Appeals Policy for submissions up to and including 29 September 2024
- Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policy for submissions from 30 September 2024 onwards
- Academic Integrity guidance including the policy for submissions prior to September 2024
- Assessment and Feedback Policy Additional guidance documents are also available on the Assessment page.
- Exceptional Circumstances Policy
- Bath Spa University Progression Rules
Central Assessment Board Schedules
The Central Assessment Board Schedules are available on the Assessment page.
Complaints and discipline
- General Complaints Policy
- Student Complaints Procedure (.pdf) - if you require an accessible version of this document please contact external@bathspa.ac.uk
- Student Disciplinary Procedure (.pdf)
- Sexual Violence and Misconduct Procedure for Students (.pdf)
- Children On Campus Policy
- Protocol for the death or serious injury of a student (.pdf) - if you require an accessible version of this document please contact external@bathspa.ac.uk
- Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
- Student Trusted Contact Procedure (.pdf)
Student protection, terms and conditions
- Anti Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy
- Examples of Fraud Risk
- Contract Management Policy*
- Conflicts of Interest Policy
- Ethical Fundraising Policy and Donor's Charter
- Financial Regulations Document
- Gifts and Hospitality Policy
- Reportable Events Policy
- Responsible Investment Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Risk Appetite Statement
- Sustainable procurement
*The Contract Management Policy will not apply to Bath Spa University precedent contracts (such as contracts of employment) that:
(i) have been approved as an exception by the University Secretary pursuant to the Financial Regulations; and
(ii) have not been substantially varied.
Supporting documentation: How To Guide and Contract Review Sheet.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Bring your own device policy
- Computer Use Regulations
- Copyright
- Data Assurance Policy
- Data Protection
- Data Subject Access Request Procedure
- Endpoint Device Purchasing, Deployment and Management
- Freedom of Information (FOI)
- HR Records and Information (pdf)
- Information Classification Scheme
- Information Governance
- Information Security Policy
- Intellectual Property Policy (.pdf)
- Library regulations
- Mobile and Remote Working Policy
- Open Access Research
- Personal Data Breach Procedure
- Records Management
- Records Retention Policy and Retention Schedule
- Research Data Policy
- Software Management Policy
- Transparency Return
- Absence Policy (pdf)
- Additional Working and Overtime (pdf)
- Adoption (pdf)
- Alcohol and Substance Abuse (pdf)
- Annual Leave (pdf)
- Capability and Conduct (pdf)
- Carers Leave (pdf)
- Consultancy (pdf)
- DBS and Criminal Convictions Policy
- Disciplinary Policy (pdf)
- Emeritus Professor Procedure (pdf)
- Employee Wellbeing (pdf)
- Equality (pdf)
- Events (pdf)
- External Speaker Policy (pdf)
- Flexible Working (pdf)
- Grievance (pdf)
- Harassment (pdf)
- Health and Safety Policy
- Hosting Visiting Scholars Policy
- Hybrid Working Policy
- Job Sharing (pdf)
- Learning and Development Policy
- On-call Working (pdf)
- Other Types of Leave (pdf)
- Parental leave:
- Personal Relationships (pdf)
- Recruitment (pdf)
- References Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- Safer Recruitment Policy
- Staff Expenses Policy (pdf)
- Timetable and room booking (pdf)
- Whistleblowing (pdf)
Accessibility statements
We're committed to improving the accessibility of our website and other platforms and systems, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
Privacy notices
We're committed to the security of your personal data, and to enabling your rights under the Data Protection Act 2018, GDPR, and associated data protection law.
The University is registered as Data Controller with the Information Commissioners Office, registration number: Z7222773.
This notice and any other documents referred to in it set out the basis on which we will process any personal data we collect from data subjects, or that is provided to us by data subjects or other sources.
We may update our Privacy Notices at any time. The current version of all of our Privacy Notices can be found below, and we encourage you to check back here regularly to review any changes.
Unless specific time periods are given in the relevant Privacy Notice, your data will be kept in-line with the University's Records Retention Schedule.
To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.
The University has appointed a Data protection Officer:
Postal address:
Data Protection Officer
Bath Spa University
Newton Park
Newton St Loe
United Kingdom
Email: data-protection@bathspa.ac.uk.
"Personal data" is defined as information relating to a living individual that enables that individual to be identified either from the data.
Personal data may contain “special categories of data” as described under the new law. Such “special categories of data" may include information about your racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs or other beliefs, physical or mental health or, in relation to DPA only, other conditions and information concerning any criminal offences or criminal proceedings.
Data protection law means that any processing undertaken by us must be done for specified purposes (outlined within these privacy notices) and that we have a relevant lawful basis for the processing. Under the new rules there are six possible bases:
- Consent: on occasions where the University will only process certain data for a specific purpose, subject to you having provided clear and affirmative consent. This is always required if we're processing special categories of personal data.
- Contract: it may be necessary to process your personal data to fulfil the contract we have with you or you have asked us to take specific action before entering into a contract with us.
- Legal obligation: the processing of your data is necessary for us to comply with the law (not including contractual obligations).
Vital interests: the processing of your data is necessary to protect someone’s life. - Public task: the processing of your data is necessary for us to perform a task that is in the public interest or for official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law.
- Legitimate interests: the processing of your data is necessary for the legitimate interest of the University or a third party unless there is a good reason to protect the individual’s personal data which overrides those legitimate interests.
Right of notification
All data subjects (students, applicants, visitors to our website, and others as specified in our privacy notices) have the right to be informed about the collection and use of data. As Data Controller, the University is required to provide you with information about how we process your data and your rights under the new data protection law.
You also have the Right to be notified of data rectification and erasure, such as in the event of a data breach.
Right of access/ portability
You have the right to find out what information we hold about you, and you are able to request that information from us by submitting a Subject Access Request via our Data Protection Officer.
You also have the right to request data we hold to be provided to you in a format suitable to transferring to other data controllers, which is your right to portability.
Right to rectification
You have to right to contact us to rectify any information we hold about you and you can do this at any time either via the self-service portal, available to students and staff, or by contacting data-protection@bathspa.ac.uk
Right to erasure
You have the right to request that we delete your information at any point, which we must do unless the information is necessary (such as your academic record if you are a student)
Right to restriction of processing
If you think there's a problem with the accuracy of the data we hold about you, or if you think we're using data about you unlawfully, you can request that any current processing is suspended until a resolution is agreed.
Right to object
You have a right to object to how we use your data if we do so on the basis of "legitimate interests" or "in the performance of a task in the public interest" or "exercise of official authority" (a privacy notice will clearly state this if this is the case). Unless we can show a compelling case why our use of data is justified, we have to stop using your data in the way that you've objected to.
Right to not be subject to automated decision making
If any decision has been about you based on automated software (such as segmentation or suitability a bursary) you have the right to request a human being review the decision.
Withdrawing your consent
Where we have your consent to any processing (made clear within our privacy notices or at the time of collecting your data) you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
Exercising your rights, queries and complaints
For more information on your rights, if you wish to exercise any right, for any queries you may have, or if you wish to make a complaint, please contact our Data Protection Officer: data-protection@bathspa.ac.uk.
Complaint to the Information Commissioner
You have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) about the way in which we process your personal data. You can make a complaint on the ICO website.
Privacy notices regarding:
- Applicants and students
- Bath Social Impact Network
- Data for marketing and promotion
- External Affairs Unit
- Erasmus, exchange and study abroad programmes
- IT services
- Jisc Experience prize draw
- My Bath Spa
- Prospective students
- Research
- Staff
- Visitors and correspondents
- Website use and webchat function
- Widening participation
Compliance and governance
- Freedom of Speech (Code of Practice)
Development and alumni relations
- HR and Staff Policies* (login required)
*Some of our policies are for internal purposes only. If you cannot find the policy you are searching for and are not an employee or student of the University please submit a Freedom of Information request.