As a social enterprise, we’re proud to put people, communities and the environment at the heart of our work. Find out more about our social enterprise activity and accreditations in these pages.

Our social enterprise work

Our purpose is to challenge our students and staff to realise their talent and thrive, for their own benefit and for the wider good. By doing this we will think and make the world better. Our purpose starts with our students and staff but extends to our local, regional and global communities through our teaching and learning, research and partnerships.

We're excited to be launching the Bath Social Impact Network in partnership with 3SG. The Network brings together like-minded groups and individuals to improve and grow the social economy in B&NES. Whether you’re a social enterprise, B Corp, CIC, co-op, or interested in the work of these types of organisations, we’re here to support you on your journey.

Our events

As part of the Bath Social Impact Network, we run sessions specially tailored for businesses and individuals working in social, community and environmental impact areas in BaNES. Whether you already work in these areas, are looking to grow or set up a new impact organisation or looking for one to partner with, you’re more than welcome to join us at one of our events.

Find out more about our upcoming events.

Certified Social Enterprise Badge - CircleWe're a certified social enterprise

We’re proud to be a certified member of Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) – the leading global authority and largest network of social enterprises in the UK.

Contact us

If you have any queries please contact