Trans and non-binary students
Bath Spa University is committed to creating a fair and inclusive environment for all our students, including anyone who identifies as transgender or non-binary.
As a University we recognise that being a trans or non-binary student, or questioning your gender identity whilst at university can sometimes come with specific challenges. Whether you're an applicant or a current student, please know Bath Spa is here for you and we encourage you to get in touch with Georgie Eggar in Student Wellbeing Services ( to discuss how we can be of help. Georgie is the lead contact within Student Wellbeing Services for any student who identifies as trans or non-binary, or is questioning their gender identity, and who may require any additional practical or therapeutic support.
About you
Your name, title or gender held on record can be changed at any time by presenting a deed poll or statutory declaration. No further documentation will be required. Once all the appropriate data systems have been updated with the new information a new ID card will be issued at no additional cost.
If the University holds any records that include your former legal name or gender, you may request that all instances of them be removed from the University’s records, as much as is reasonably practicable.
To update your name, title or gender on your records, please complete this form.
If you've transitioned whilst studying or after studying, the University will provide you with replacement degree certificates in your new legal names and titles at no additional cost, providing a deed poll or statutory declaration can be presented.
To request a replacement degree certificate please email
All students can register a preferred name, which will be the name used by all staff to refer to you. It will also be used to create your University email address.
The change of preferred name form is available on MyServices and this will be processed by the Student and Registry Services before any changes are implemented by IT Services.
You can also contact Georgie Eggar in Student Wellbeing Services ( to check your preferred name, or you can do this yourself on AppHub.
The University encourages all students and staff to inform others of their pronouns, whether that's through a conversation with your tutor, or by adding them to your Gmail name and/or signature.
Trans individuals applying for University accommodation have the option to apply for en-suite accommodation as a priority. If you need advice about this, you can contact Georgie Eggar in Student Wellbeing Services (
The University is committed to supporting the right for trans people to use the appropriate facilities for their gender identity, including changing rooms and toilet facilities. Trans people are not required to use facilities of their former assigned gender or the accessible toilet facilities.
Where women-only or men-only spaces exist within the University, they are open to all who self-define as women/men, including trans individuals and those who identify as non-binary. Non-binary people are able to access the space in which they would feel most comfortable, if there is not a gender neutral equivalent available.
The University also has a number of gender neutral toilet facilities across its campuses.
Newton Park
- Commons: gender neutral toilets on ground floor, first floor and second floor
- Dairy: gender neutral toilet on first floor
- Oak Tree Day Nursery: gender neutral toilet on first floor
- Big Oaks House: gender neutral toilet on first floor
- Stanton: gender neutral shower on ground floor
- Stewards Lodge: gender neutral toilet
- Sophia (Student Wellbeing Services): gender neutral toilet at main entrance
Sion Hill
- Main Building: gender neutral toilets on ground floor, second floor, and third floor
Locksbrook Road
- Gender neutral toilets on ground floor and second floor
- Gender neutral showers on ground floor
Our plans and policies
If you transition during your time at the University, you can complete a Transition Support Plan to ensure that the University is aware of any support needs you might have.
This plan enables you to confirm any dates of relevant transition milestones and how you would prefer this to be communicated to necessary individuals within the University. This is particularly important if you need time off to undergo any transition-related medical treatment, so you aren't penalised for your absence.
If you would like to complete a Transition Support Plan, please contact Georgie Eggar in Student Wellbeing Services ( who will be able to offer help and assistance.
Trans, non-binary, and gender diverse staff, students and visitors are a valued part of the Bath Spa University community, and we are committed to creating a fair and inclusive environment where all members feel included, respected and safe. Bath Spa University views harassment or discrimination against any student or employee on any grounds as a serious disciplinary offence.
As such, the University has a comprehensive trans policy in place to ensure that no individual who identifies as trans or non-binary is discriminated against, and that trans and non-binary staff and students are easily able to find the support and information they need.
Further support and information
Student Wellbeing Services is here to support all of Bath Spa University’s students in whatever way they may find helpful. This includes students who identify as trans and non-binary or who might be questioning their gender identity.
As well as offering specialist mental health services, Student Wellbeing Services is able to put in place an Academic Access Plan (AAP) for applicants and students who identify as trans or non-binary. This informs tutors of your preferred name and gender pronouns, as well as any other additional support measures required, for example providing extensions at times of absence due to transition-related treatment or surgery.
You can contact Georgie Eggar ( to discuss any support you may find helpful, including an AAP.
Report and Support is the Bath Spa University online reporting tool, if you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed a micro-aggression or any form of harassment, discriminsation or hate. You can report anonymously or report and get support from an advisor.
Bath Spa LGBTQ+ Society is a society for anyone who identifies within the LGBTQ spectrum. It is free to join, and no one is discriminated against. They do events, socials, fundraisers and more.
Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity and they empower students to build their own mental health toolkit to support themselves and their peers through university life and beyond. Together, we’re improving university communities so that every student gets the mental health support they need to reach their goals.
They have created a 'Life as a Trans+ student' page on their website to offer advice and reflections on navigating university life as a transgender or non-binary student.
Off The Record LGBT+ SPACE offers weekly LGBT+ group sessions in Bath to any young person aged 10-25 who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, asexual, and/or questioning their sexuality and/or gender identity. At SPACE, they provide a safe space where you can be yourself and get information and support on LGBT+ issues.